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Still Entity_303's POV

"Lick." I stood up shakily.

"Nice to see you again, little brother." He said warmly behind the mask.

"You-" Herobrine came to stand by my side, but I could see that he was drained.

"I only want her. Then you all can go." Lick said coolly. "Don't you want the old days back? To play together like there was not a harm in the world? Join me. You will have all that." He opened his arms. "Just come."

The others looked at me, seeing how I react.

"I liked those times, I really do." I replied calmly. "But you betrayed us. So no, I will not join you."

"Is that so?" He asked. "Hand me the girl, then you all may go."

"No." Herobrine stepped foward.

"Really little brother?" Lick countered. "Don't you want the old days?"

"I'm sorry, I'm really are. But Lick, why? Why did you leave us? It's your fault first." Herobrine replied.

"We swore not to hurt each other, did we not. To protect each other. Us three. We were best friends." Lick jestured. "Please. I don't want to hurt you."

"No." We said. Really, it hurt us to hear these words. It hurt us even more to refuse. We wanted old times, where we were carefree. But we must do it. For the world.

"Really? You dissapoint me, brothers." Lick turned to me. "And don't forget. I have your precious brother." He sneered, suddenly turning cold.

My blood turning cold, I whispered, "What did you do to him?"

"Not much." Lick took his mask away. His eyes, the light purple ones we remembered so well were a deep purple.

"You see?" Lick asked. "What happened to my eyes? Magic changed it."

"But... Lick? How?" Herobrine asked.

"Well, what happened to yours and Emit's?"

"Same." I whispered.

You see, our eyes were all light blue once.

"See?" Lick asked. "Won't you give anything to return to the old days, where we didn't have magic?"

That left us speechless.

Then I whispered.

"Yes. But not her."

"Well, I'm sorry." Came the reply.

I pushed Herobrine away and told him to protect Galaxy.

His eyes widened as he knew what was going to happen. He nodded and I turned to Lick.

"Don't do this, Lick." I whispered. "Please, come back to us."

"No. Don't you see?" Lick laughed like a maniac. "I have more power now. The power consumed me. I crave for it."

"Noo-o." I shook my head. "Don't, Lick. I believe in you. You can come back."

For a second, his eyes flickered to a light purple, the colour he had when we found out we had magic.

Herobrine had glowing white ones, Lick had light purple ones that were mesmerising, and I had bright red ones.

Ooook. I'm getting sidetracked.

But Lick... he was good. Like a brother to us. We played together. And he had captured Entity_404, my brother.


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