-Chapter 15-

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Another chapter for you! I'm not overly happy with it but hope you like it anyway! I really want your thoughts on this chapter!  I think the song at the side kinda goes well with the chapter! 

Blake's House at the side!


-Isabelle Quinn-

“Miss.Isabelle” squeaks a young maid as soon as I enter the front door. I sniffle and put on a weak smile that hurt my cheeks. “We’ve been worried sick” she exclaims.

I walk past her, with Oreo at my feet, yelping. I give a fake smile and slowly mumble under my breath “You mustn’t have been that worried if no-one was out searching.”

I stroll up the stairs and sniff, at first I head to the direction of mine and Nathan’s room but I stop and turn the other way, back to my old room.

All afternoon, I had haunting thoughts about Nathan and Ruby. The kiss repeatedly flashed in my mind and I shook my head. I quickly turned the door handle and stumbled upon maids, Alison and Caroline.

“Belle,” shrieked Caroline and threw her arms around me. “Thank god you’re here. We’ve been packing.” She beams and I stare at her, confused.

“You’re going to London, tonight”

My eyes fall on the bags on the floor, neatly packed with all my clothes. “We’re nearly done” Caroline says and I watch them zip up the luggage.

“Belle, look at me” says Caroline and she grabs me by my shoulders, facing me to her. “That kiss between Nathan and Ruby was nothing. He’s gonna do everything inLondonto make it up to you.” She whispers and lets a butler pass through the door.

“Remember what I said about pushing him away?”

I nod and sniff. “Well don’t do that anymore. Are you still mad at him?” She questions and I think. Was I really mad at him or was I just jealous? Did it hurt me seeing them kiss because I really did like him?

I just shrug my shoulders and Caroline and she releases her grip.

“All done” Alison grins and her gaze travels behind me. I whirl around and I look up at a tall figure.

“Nathan,” Alison calls, but our gazes have locked and he answers back without looking at Alison.


“Is it wise going on honeymoon while you have to work?” She points out and he nods, still looking apologetically at me. I quickly lower my gaze and turn back to Alison standing by my luggage. Apparently I was going on honeymoon tonight.


-Nathan Blake-

I looked up at her, time to time. Her eyes had swelled up from crying and she kept quiet for most of the journey. After the kissing incident, I couldn’t believe how difficult it became to talk to her. She refused any drinks and food from the air hostess and slept on the plane. I covered her with my jacket when the pilot announced we’d be landing in 15 minutes.

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