•||Chapter 28- Arjun mehra||•

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Arjun Mehra pov

I was busy reading the documents of my new project when a tingling sound grabbed my attention. I looked at the laptop screen from the corner of my eyes and ignored the notification when the realisation hit me. The tracker was activated.

"Sairam, in my cabin " I disconnected the landline after calling for my secretary. He hurried towards my cabin immediately after receiving my message.

"The tracker which we plotted for dev dixit is activated. But the location is showing Amazon forest. Strange I want the report of his current position"

Sairam was one of the oldest members of my business life.  He knew me inside and out.

"Sir, Mr.dixit is currently off from the business area. I guess we must grab this opportunity and proceed towards the Japan deal " he advised me. I narrowed my eyes thinking about dev dixit taking his step back. What was that man planning now?

"Why is he off? "

Hs hesitated and tried to bounce the topic away when I ordered him to fill the blanks.

"Sir, his wife is kidnapped. Some personal matters sir. "

"Wife is kidnapped and dev dixit in Amazon jungle.  Is he planning to be a Saint now?" I laughed imagining my rival in orange sage attire.

"No sir dev dixit is in New York trying to track his wife. "

"What then how is the tracker activated in Amazon," I asked him

"The pendant we used to track him. I guess he gifted it to his wife and we have the location of his wife. "

A smile made its way on my face as I registered the whole situation. Interesting. I love to piss dev dixit off. And talking about his wife she was one of the dearest bears in his life.

"Make my jet ready we are picking Mrs.dixit "

"But sir "

"She is in danger right?" He nodded his head with a scowl on his face. Not his fault, he hates dev because of the coffee I threw at him whenever I close a deal with him.

"Then lets your boss be the hero of the scene "


We reached the forest of Amazon forest and I couldn't hold my excitement to meet Mrs.dixit. dev hates me so much that he didn't invite me in his marriage.  He thought I will steal his precious gem. My dearest competition dev I will be the hero of your life. I smirked moving along the tracked destination.

"Sir be alert.  We can have a company here. According to my sources, a kidnapper is an unstable man. "

'Well, you know how to deal with unstable people. Your boss is the one "

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