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belonging to an earlier time.


"So should we start the questions ?", said Adrina sitting on a couch and resting her chin on her hand . 

"As you wish ... I wanna know you through your past .", Jayden said tilting his head and looking at her intensely .

Her happy self suddenly turned to serious one ."Well that's something I don't like to talk about . But because you asked I will answer."

"It's all right if you feel awkward I will stop asking....", he got interrupted .

"My dad , he died when I was just three months old . He owned this company, Astriol . It used to be a big business back then , but after his death it  all went to vain . My mo- , so called mother was finding it difficult to look after me and the company , so she brought a babysitter when I was just a year old.... And she rarely got time to even talk to me so don't even think of playing . This went on for almost three years  . I got used to play alone with the dolls and ... I was rarely social . Soon after , I was enrolled in elementary school. The people in my class used to call me names . That hurt me though but I never showed it . My self esteem had become really low . My so-called mother decided to put me in hostel in the first year of my middle school , but I got bullied so much , that I ended up in a hospital . I was expecting my mother to happily take me but .... she was arguing with the principle to still send me back to hostel instead ...... I lost hope from everything and everyone . I really forgot what is this thing called feeling . ", she sighed and looked away from him then continued .

"When I entered my so called home ..... there ... I saw a stranger about forty sitting on a couch . That was not something that would make me angry but ... my mom entered the doors and kissed him in front of me ... She demanded me to call him my uncle . I just nodded and tried to ignore him whenever I saw him because I just felt disgusted to even see him . This went on but thankfully , I found children like me in my neighbourhood . We were a group of five , like the losers club .", she said and glanced at Jayden who, let out a quick breath through his nose . 

"Yeah loser's club .", she said seriously . 

"sorry.", he said .

"One day when we were playing hide and seek in my house , and I hid in my mother's closet . Three hours went by but nobody found me . I didn't know that they had already left . After that what I saw was horrible . My so called mother and that disgusting man were kissing each other when they entered the door and they just ..... just slept in front of my eyes and silent tears rolled down my eyes . But soon , she found me, she slapped me , threatened me and she locked me up in the basement . She knew about my fears . I was abandoned in that quiet , dark and small place , I was afraid of them all . I felt suffocated , I screamed but .... nobody came to help me after eight hours with no food and water that disgusting man opened the door . I was feeble at that time so , he carried me to my room . I didn't feel comfortable, him touching me . He fed me with some snacks and water . For a month everything was going fine , I was at least surviving . She became more aggressive towards me and that man started being more sweet towards me .... For some time I thought he was a good person . One day my so called mother had to go on a business trip and ....", her voice croaked and her eyes were filled with tears .

Jayden sat beside her and wrapped his hands around her shoulder to comfort her .

"I watched her go by . That day that man had made the snacks ... I was happily eating it was my favourite . I was watching TV after that an...d he c..came to sit beside . 

"Did you see everything that evening?", he asked .

"Which evening ?", I asked getting confused .

"Well the evening that you got locked up in the basement .", he said .

I froze and didn't answer him .

"You must have learnt everything then ... haven't you .", he asked with an evil smirk .

"No .. I-I don't know .", I could not complete my sentence .

He that f*cking man ... he started touch-touching . He touched me everywhere . I still feel dirty thinking t-that . ", she cried hugging his chest . He was speechless after knowing what she had gone through . He , himself was heartbroken after hearing her sad story . 

"T-This went on for a whole week until mother returned . I was said not to speak because she would again lock me up in the basement .I kept quiet and slowly that anger build up in me which slowly was turning me to what you saw today , an insane demon . Those demons in me were overpowering me , I killed my own cat . That was my first kill . There was not even a day that I was not bullied in school or molested in home . One day , after I returned home , I saw them kissing , I asked for food but who would listen . I got so angry that I went to the store room brought an axe and just .. just killed them because they deserved it . They were pleading for their lives , but they didn't listen to me , so why would I .", she said clenching her fists and gritting her teeth . 

"I was taken to child center well and everybody was quiet friendly than in that home or mostly hell . My grandma who stayed abroad , soon came back and got me out of child center . I got enrolled in school again . There I met Ajax , he built so much trust in me that I told him about my past and everything . Soon we got in relationship . Little did I know that he was that disgusting man's son . Later he made me pregnant , and left . I aborted the child because of my grandma's force . After that , I graduated and I started looking after the company .And I really am a lucky person to be with you . ", she said and smiled . He smiled back .

"Aren't you scared after knowing that I killed my own mother ?", she asked .

"No . The situation was not stable so you turned out like that .", he replied . 

"I wanna know why do you love your mother so much that you had a tattoo of her ?", she asked pointing on his chest .

"Well ... I too don't like to talk about that though . Let's say I was not able to spend much time with her for long and she just disappeared in the smoke . The reason for this was my dad's lover . Let's not go into detail very much .", he said because he knew that she could do anything to her which he didn't want .

"Okay I understand.. any other questions?", she asked .

"Do you think I will be a good husband ?", he asked smirking .

"No.", she said . There was silence .He pouted .

"The best one .", she said and hugged him .


Aww 😁

So a happy ending ?

Maybe .

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