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free (someone or something) from a constraint or difficulty.


Ajax well the most expected person was standing in front of her . A curve formed on his lips . He was still in his perfect black wedding suit standing tall.

"Excited to see me in this way right?...... oh god...Damn you look so hot in that wedding dress !", said Ajax smirking .

"Why are you doing this to me ? but nevermind ,I forgot you don't have other works except this.", Adrina said with an attitude .

"That attitude again .... better change it. I don't want your grandma getting hurt because of your silly mistakes .", he said scratching his head . Adrina's eyes were wide open and she was in a trauma .

"Grandma has nothing to do with our business . She should not be involved in this thing .", she said getting tensed .

"Oh innocent girl , did you forget she has a lot to do with this business and especially her daughter in law . Can I spend a little time alone with my lady ?", said Ajax seriously and every other men left the room .

"That was the past . I too have suffered like you !", she cried .

"Don't make me laugh baby !", he said faking a laugh but he replaced his expression with a serious one .

"Don't ever say "YOU" and "I" are same . It was your f*cking mother f*cked with my father and that b*tch made my mother go to mental asylum . You know how much my mom suffered ? She went to bed with eyes full of tears and used to wake up with swollen eyes . I used to go meet her in the mental asylum and she taught me the most important thing vengeance . See when you were small , you at least had money but what about me and my mom , we starved to death . Sometimes I was thankful that my mom was in mental asylum at least she would get to eat food . I would never want to be in relationship with you in the first place but since i HAD to marry you cuz you know according to the contact of your f*cking company you can only hand over your company to your spouse . This wedding ...you see... I had started planning it when my mom committed suicide in that mental asylum . But still it was not successful .", he took a deep breath .

"But why my grandma!", she shouted .

"See I need money. I was gonna marry you for money . But since you were outsmarted me , I had no other choice than getting rid of you and to fulfill my demand of money no one is better than your grandma and about Jayden he already hates you so I am not planning to hurt him till now . ", he said and smirked .

"He doesn't and will never hate me !", she shouted .

"Any questions honey ?", he said getting annoyed .

"Get me out ", she demanded with cold stare .

"Yeah sure , after you die slowly . Till then have a nice stay ..", he said and turned . She could hear him laugh as he was walking away .The door slammed closed .

She laid on the cold cemented ground . The only source of light was a flickering bulb but soon there was no light to be found and again fear crept in her skin . She was heavily breathing and shivering . She screamed but her voice was not again heard .


He was stupefied when he got the news that the bride was nowhere to be seen . There was chaos everywhere . Instead of a wedding full of people there was a wedding full of police officers and investigation . He was sitting on one of the chairs and his hands rested in his thighs .

" Dad I am going home .", Jayden said standing up .

"Okay son . I will come after leaving Mrs.Astor . I will try to keep the situation under control.", his dad said tensed .

Jayden walked away . After sometime , he reached home . He knew it was not the time to blame anyone or breakdown . All he has to do now is just find Adrina . He knew Ajax was the person to be suspected .

"Something was not right from the start between them . I should have understood that from her pleading eyes .I will kill him if he tried to hurt her .", he said clenching his fists .


Someone splashed water on her face when she woke up . Her lips were cut and her mouth was dry . This had been a daily routine for her for almost three days . She had scars on her skin and her white wedding dress was now covered with dirt .

"Give her water.", one of the men demanded .

One of them handed her a bottle of water and she drank it like a boon . She only had been surviving by water only for these three days .

"Drink it anyway its your last day and finally we will get our payment and leave .", one of the men said .

"Kill me right now .", she demanded .

"We don't take your orders madame .", another man said and smirked .


Finally after stalking him for three days , Ajax got out of his office , of Adrina's to be specific , in the mid day and drove off in a black car . Jayden stayed in his car and peeked through the back view of the mirror . The police were still investigating and were suspecting Jayden to be the killer , so he was not allowed to leave the city or the country .Due to lack of evidence the police did not arrest him . 

Jayden took a sigh of relief . He was just hoping to save Adrina all these time . He quickly followed the black car . The black car drove away past the traffic and the city noises and was now driving on a quiet road where Jayden had never been or seen before . 

Jayden parked his car , one meter distance from the black car just so that Ajax would not be suspicious . He carefully followed him . One mistake and everything planned would be wasted . Ajax entered an old incomplete building which was mostly covered by moss . Jayden too entered the building . Ajax suddenly turned back as he thought someone was following him but Jayden eventually hid under the incomplete stairs  which was dark  .

 Ajax walked up the stairs and saw Adrina helpless and almost in the hands of death . He smirked . 

"You guys can leave now . Good job . I can handle her now . Take your money .", he said handing over a suitcase . 

"Okay . Have a good time .", they said and left .

Jayden heard them talking however not clearly . He heard a bunch of men decending by the stairs . He held his breath and got close to the wall just so that they would not catch him . He saw a group of five men when they had finally reached down . He knew that if he tried to do anything at this time , it would invite a big trouble . So, he , taking careful steps ascended the stairs and his behind a concrete pillar big enough to hide him . 

When he saw the men proceed , he entered the place where Adrina was in . And to his horror a contrasting thing had happened .


The shit is about to get down .
Grab on your seatbelts !

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