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the action of forcibly taking someone away against their will.


The beautiful white gown made her look magnificent . She was wearing a fake smile on her face hiding her sorrows which reflected from the mirror . She took a deep breath and looked over to her grand mother . Her grandmother soon approached her and gently put her arms around her elbow .

"Can we have privacy?", asked her grandmother .

Everyone in the room left .

"You know he is doing this for your property and this company right ?He wants to own everything .", said her grandma clashing her eyebrows .

"I know . I am doing this for better .", said Adrina .

"Nothing that includes blood right?", asked her grandma .

"No and as soon as this wedding reception finishes you have to go back alright?", asked Adrina smiling .

Her grandma nodded her head .

"Oh oh . What a beautiful bride !", said a voice approaching them .

Adrina turned her head and was stunned to see someone she didn't expect .

"Jayden.", Adrina said with a tensed look .

Her grandmother was puzzled for a while but decided not to interrupt them .

"Can we have a little privacy old woman ?", asked Jayden smiling .

"Don't dare call her like that ever again !", said Adrina clashing her eyebrows .

"Adrina its fine . Okay Jayden or whatever your name is.", he grandma said and left them alone .

"She is stingy like you .", he said smirking .

"What happened to you ? You are not the one whom I used to know .", Adrina said .

"Don't you like your creation ?  I was helpless when you left . I wanted to talk to you but you ... you just didn't care what I was going through . But then I realized that you don't even care about me , why should I care about you . ", he paused and walked towards her .

"Before I wanted to protect you . But now I just want to hurt you .", said he placing her hair behind her ear .

"Jayden please understand . Everything will get back to normal . I promise .", she said carassing his cheeks .

"Promise? Yeah promises are mend to be broken .", he said jerking her hands away .

"Jayden .", said she with eyes full of water .

"And yeah I came here to just tell you to have "a happy married life".", he said and left .

He felt a burden on his heart but at the same time he had wrath on his head . No matter how many times she called his name and even cried , he didn't turn back .


"Boss gave his commands .Let's get to work .", said a man with raspy voice .

A group of five guys, all fully armed and dressed in black were waiting in a black van , while one of them had gone to get someone .


"Granny can I be left alone for some time ? ", asked Adrina looking on the ground .

"Okay Ad . Think wisely also.", said her grandma .

Her grandma patted on her back and left .

As soon as she looked herself at the mirror , her eyes were covered and she could see nothing .Before she could scream , someone taped her mouth and she was feeble .

"Try to be crafty and you grandma is dead .", a man said tying her hands and dragging her to the van .

After sometime , she was pushed into a vehicle by someone .

"Our boss's choice is not that bad .", said another man lifting her chin .

She pulled her chin away from him and was panting .

"Don't dare lay a finger on her or else boss is gonna chop off your hand .", said the man and soon the van started moving .

After few hours , she was fast asleep so she didn't realize when the car had stopped .

"Now , get the girl out !", a man shouted . No sooner she was carried like a box by one of the men . She moved her legs to shove them away but in vain .

The man then threw her on a hard surface . Her back ached as an impact . The man slowly removed the tape on her mouth and the blindfold also .

"Whe-ahah- re am I ?", Adrina said coughing .

"In a quiet place with five men .", a man spoke with a grin .

"Better to f*ck with dogs than you .", said she giving the most disgusted look .

That man suddenly punched her so hard  which caused her to cough blood .

"So tell me who is your boss?", she asked wiping the blood on her lips with her thumb suddenly changing her attitude .

"That' s none of your business l-", the man got interrupted .

"He kidnapped me here and you are telling me its none of my f*cking business ?!", she cried .

"Tape her mouth you a**hole .", another man said calmly .

He did as commanded  . She then closed her eyes leaned her head on the cold and damp wall covered in moss . She got goosebumbs because of the chill wind .

"Now listen lady . We gave just been told to kidnap you and bring you here but you are being a stubborb a** here . No wonder he called five of us . And if you want yo drink water or eat food , change your sh*tty attitude first or just die . It's going to be easy that way anyway .", the same person spoke crouching down to look at her .

She looked down on her lips indicating that she wanted to talk and that man mercilessly took out the tape which cut her lips a little .

" Okay .Look! I won't be stubborn cuz I have to live  in order to kill your boss .", she said coolly .

"She got some attitude god !", a familiar voice spoke and laughed .

She slowly opened her eyes and was stunned to see a standing a figure standing in front of her .


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