Chapter 76: Acceptance

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           "Home.. Our home.. You're willing to give up work for this?" The younger whispered to Jimin and finally wrapped his arms around Jimin's body. The man slowly rose his head and looked up at Jungkook as Muffin stayed in his arms through it all. Jungkook just felt like he hurt Jimin, they way he gazed up in tears and silence gave Jungkook such a nasty flashback at the way he picked on the boy like that. "Baby..."

           "I need a break from work.. I need a break from everything. I need to go back. I have to settle this now." The man whispered. No longer having the strength in him to shout more. These were the feelings Jimin had to bottled up inside to the point where he just couldn't go any longer if Jungkook was going to be the one that told him it was all his fault. The two were at fault now. Jungkook refraining from telling Jimin about his feelings and picking on him instead, and Jimin alone for becoming the puppet who's strings were taken by his parents.

           "We'll ask for a week off... Okay? After that we could settle things. Take a break and come back to work when you do it. We'll do this together." Jungkook promised the man. Watching Jimin's face look down in silence. But, Jungkook wasn't going to let this fade into a silent and sad frown. "We'll make it through... Together." Jungkook mentioned and fixed Jimin's glasses.

            The next morning, Jimin sat outside the lab. He was stressed and Seokjin was able to pinpoint these feelings. In reality, Jin managed to make it back home with Yoongi right before the couple started to argue. Since their room was the only room that wasn't soundproof, Yoongi and Jin pressed their ears against the door and listened to it all. The shouts and the cries... Even the soft whispers after. Jimin wasn't angry at Jungkook. He was scared of travelling back and at times he just wants to hold back the flight, he bites his tongue and grows silent. He's been waiting for so long to do what his mind was afraid of doing before.

            Jungkook was in the lab and making more of the mixture silently while Seokjin showed up to confront the boy on the issue. The boy didn't even bother to talk to Jimin. He knew the older was so worried, he couldn't even focus! So, Jungkook allowed Jimin to take some time off and eventually talk to the Chief on his own. Today was the day they had to ask for the week off soon or else they would never get themselves together for this.

            Seokjin reached Jungkook and tapped his shoulder to get the younger's attention. "Jungkook, is everything alright between you and Jimin? Yoongi and I heard the two of you arguing last night. Jimin is outside on his own and really silent."

           "Everything is okay between us. We just hit a small boulder along the road. But don't worry, it was just a pebble." Jungkook promised while the older only tilted his head.

          "Why is he so silent and ignoring you?"

          "He's not ignoring me. He's scared. Scared of confronting his family and Yun-se. He'll have to ask the Chief about getting a week off." The younger stated and this made the man fold his arms and stare at the younger.

          "What about the coral? Did you forget their lives are on the line too?" Complained the older as Jungkook just took out the papers of the formula all written down.

           "Go by this. Then you'll get the right mixture. Just that easy! Then we'll go from there. It's just that simple. Yoongi and you could stop helping around with figures and work on the mixtures while we're gone." Jungkook suggested while Seokjin did take a moment and nodded his head after to comply with the new arrangements they were going to set into place as soon as Jimin asks the Chief about a whole week off along with Jungkook.

             The man stood by the lab outside the facility, thinking on what to tell the Chief in order for him to agree. This was a week off and the man only wondered what good excuse would come his way to trick Chief Jung. However, the more he spent thinking on what to do, he was wasting more time. Today had to be the day he asks for the big break.

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