Chapter 59: Vacation house

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            After four hours on the cruise ship from their port from Playa del Carmen to Cozumel island, They finally arrived to the cruise ship port where some visitors got off and some remained for their next stop. The group of four finally got off the boat happily and gazed around at the beautiful beach where the ocean clashed onto the sandy shore of the island.

            They got off the boat by the docks and Jimin was finally smiling to get off of the boat after hours of hearing Seokjin's jokes as the only entertainment. But on the bright side, they ordered food within the cruise ship to enjoy exotic meals they've never tried before. Having such a wonderful, new experience in a place like this made the group finally relax from the huge jet lag.

              The group dragged their luggages to a road up ahead where they had yet to catch another transportation.

              "Where is the rental house, exactly?" Yoongi asked impatiently. Being in the cruise ship did give them time to relax and eat so Yoongi wasn't as grumpy as before after staying in a plane for 16 hours.

                "It's by the beach. My Father really did look into this place and made sure he chose one by the ocean since this is part of our job. We have our equipment already shipped to the Villa so we'll be alright.

                "I thought we would have it shipped to our team here." Jimin added as he looked down the road and back at Seokjin. "Why don't we walk there instead? Is it far? Walking is for free and we need exercise." Jimin insisted while everyone nodded their heads, except for Yoongi.

           "You can walk there. Not me! Ah, so much walking.. Do you know how hard I work?"

            "Yoongi, you're unemployed and the only thing you do is the internship and college for a higher degree." Jungkook shot back and stood by Jimin to put his arm around him like always. "We could drag our luggages there."

             "Jimin has a point! It's not that far so all we need to do is walk up to the house and get in." Seokjin said and took out a small key to the house he kept in a pocket of his shirt above his chest.

              "Fine..." Yoongi sighed after as they finally decided to start walking down the road from the cruise port. Yoongi held Muffin in her carrier while he dragged his luggage behind him along with the rest of his friends. "How far is it?"

             "Fifteen minutes or so? But you'll be surprised at how beautiful the Villa looks. My Father sent me pictures but I want it to be a big surprise to you all." The older added and made a smile to his friends that walked alongside him.

               As Jimin was dragging his things and pursuing after Seokjin and Yoongi, Jungkook smiled and grabbed both of Jimin's luggages happily and kept walking. This made Jimin giggle and try to grab the handle of his luggage back but Jungkook pulled his hand away and shook his head. "Jungkook! I don't want you to overwork yourself. It's too hot to carry so much things!"

            "I don't care, baby. Let me do these things for you!" Jungkook laughed as Jimin shook his head and pried the younger's hands away from the younger's hands.

            "I don't want you working hard, Kookie." Jimin said as he accepted the luggages Jungkook returned.

             "I do!" Yoongi chimed in and handed his luggages to Jungkook so he could carry them along the way while Yoongi only carried Muffin's carrier.

             After a while of walking, Seokjin stopped walking along the road that turned into a sandy path, showing that the house up ahead was somewhat blocked by trees. But, they were able to see the Villa that was painted white, two story building of the structure with glass windows, a small hut by the patio and two big buildings within the same structure.

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