Chapter 54: Flight

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            Once Yun-se finally pulled out of the airport and drove away, Jimin felt like he could breathe again. Just having his wife here and giving the two stares of disappointment made Jimin grow nervous. A part of him was upset because all he did was lie to her to the point where she was becoming aware of their ruined relationship all because of the homewrecker Jimin was with. Yun-se believed that Jungkook was the source of all the issues.

               Jungkook on the other hand, he didn't hate Yun-se... He just despised the thought of Jimin and her spending at least little time together. It was like a nervous tick that came from Jungkook when he'd see him with her. Yet, Jungkook never hated the wife. How could he if Jungkook alone already won Jimin's heart from the start? The boy had to be patient and accept the fact that Jimin will soon remove the invisible tape over his mouth and confess just to make the girl stop clinging onto her husband that was soon to leave her for Jungkook.

            "Ah, she's finally gone!" Jungkook said happily while he threw his arm around Jimin and held a big smile. "I can't wait for us to spend hours sitting by each other on that plane~"

              "Hold your horses, Kookie. You don't know if we are sitting together." Jimin replied and held up his plane ticket to show it to Jungkook.

               "Oh? calling me 'Kookie' in public? So adorable~" Jungkook whispered and pushed up his glasses and held out his plane ticket too. Not even looking at it but just staring at Jimin to see his response.

              "...I guess we are sitting next to eachother on the plane." Jimin giggled and gazed up at Jungkook while they locked eyes.

            "You look so handsome in those contacts." Jungkook complimented as he made a smile and looked down at the plane tickets.

             "I knew you would say something about it, Mr. Jeon~" Jimin whispered and this made the younger crack a cute smile. "Anyways, what did you have to do to get us to sit together?" Jimin asked and just longed to move in closer and wrap his arms around his lover. But alas, he stayed in his place and a bit far from the boy.

              "A little cat helped me." Jungkook chuckled as the couple pointed their heads to pay attention to Yoongi who was looking at Muffin just lay down on her cat bed silently and resting in her carrier before the big trip. "Hey! Yoongi, thanks!"

               "Shut it." Yoongi said as he kept his eyes on Muffin, making sure she was comfortable since he didn't have much to do anyways.

                Jimin giggled and looked back at Jungkook. "You'd do anything for me, won't you? Steal a cat, trade tickets with Yoongi or even giving up your hopes and dreams for me." Whispered the older man while he looked up at Jungkook... Just having the need to move up and kiss him on his lip... However, they were in public and this was what got on his nerves.

            While Jimin was looking at Jungkook and sharing their usual love through the the tension of their stares, Jungkook suddenly noticed a familiar man that walked up to Seokjin with a rose in his hands. This man was a tall and had locks of brown hair. His hair was styled and thrown forward to cover his forehead with his bangs. Just revealing his dark brown eyes that blinked with gleam, his deep dimples and attire of beige colored sweater, black jeans and white low shoes sealed the casual look together.

            Jungkook smiled and nudged Jimin to look at the direction he was looking and they both caught a glimpse of the handsome man that approached Seokjin as he kept typing away on his phone. Just then, the man placed the rose over Jin's view of the phone and made an attractive smile while they met eyes happily. This made Jimin's heart pound at such an beautiful and wonderful moment to see the two were together. The two watched as they noticed how happy Seokjin was to see his lover... He pulled him into a big hug and this only made Jimin turn back to Jungkook.

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