Chapter 24: The plan

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           It was finally a day before the Gala. Just tomorrow it'll be Jimin's birthday and the big night where the biologists find a good sponser on their projects to travel and take action. Lately, Jungkook has been going to his main job and Jimin was there to step out of work and take Jungkook to his job. The boy worked in a beautiful restaurant that had a good five-star rating. Just looking at the beautiful workplace left Jimin astounded at Jungkook's lifestyle.

            Jimin of course, took back on the feelings and kept them swept under a rug... It wasn't a healthy choice but he had to keep it down, even if his love was growing for Jungkook everyday, he couldn't risk coming out and had to remain closeted. At times, Jimin wondered if Yun-se felt the same... Feeling as if she too wanted to experience love and not having it thrown onto her plate and being force fed. Yet, it seemed very off to ask. What if Yun-se really did care about Jimin and would feel absolute heart break if Jimin was to ask her things like, 'Do you ever feel trapped in this marriage?' It was sad to know that even his best friend who was also his wife, couldn't be trusted with a sensitive and personal feeling like this.

            Yun-se of course trusted Jimin and believed the man felt the same too when it came to trust! However, that wasn't how things worked... Jimin hid many things from the one he called his 'Beloved Wife.' Jimin rubbed his eyes and sat up to place on his glasses, shutting off the loud alarm clock and letting out a sigh. Working every day was overwhelming enough and this time, it was a day before the Gala so everyone at the lab would be running around and preparing things. Jimin was just glad his team was able to take care of things before hand. Jimin looked back at the good week with Jungkook he had nurturing their 'child' which was just the coral sample. By now, the coral was well and ready for presentation. Just today would be a quick run through and Jimin had to lighten up for the day ahead of him.

         Yun-se watched her husband sit up and made a smile, watching Jimin put on glasses. "You have been waking up after me lately. Should I be concerned?"

           "It's just work... as always." Jimin sighed and stood up to stretch. He wore a black tank top and his dark blue underwear, yet this came as a surprise to his wife. Jimin would never sleep with his underwear like that.

             "Look at you, you've never slept like that before! I'm so surprised!" Yun-se giggled and placed on her dress shirt over her under shirt tank top.

           "Oh... I didn't realize it." Jimin laughed as he looked down. "It's not that big of a news. Guys sleep like this. It's usual." Jimin claimed, walking to his closet and taking out his usual attire.

          "Do you have anything to wear for the Gala?" Yun-se questioned and turned her head towards her husband.

            "I could use clothes from last year. It still fits and it does look good. I just don't have time to pick a suit and tie." Jimin replied followed by a sigh.

            "I'll pick one out for you! Think of it as an early birthday gift. When you get home tomorrow after the Gala, maybe you and I can get to the restaurant we haven't been to in months! I really miss going out on dates like those." Yun-se claimed as Jimin shrugged.

            "That depends if I don't go out drinking with friends..." Jimin claimed as Yun-se nodded and looked at the mirror so she could start styling her hair. "We can go the following day and I will be quick to come from work for that. I should make time for you..."

             "That's okay! Don't force yourself to make plans for us on your birthday." Yun-se added as she looked at Jimin through the reflection while brushing her long hair. "I know it's still tough to adjust to this even after years into this marriage... Right?"

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