Chapter 66: Underneath it all

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            The sea was calm, it was the right temperature to dive in and the skies above were bright and stained a baby blue color with fluffy clouds above. The lovely couple dove back first into the water, feeling the slightly cold water rub against their suits and their skin. Jimin opened his eyes and looked around underwater to finally see the beautiful ocean floor. There was ocean sculptures for the coral that consisted of historical people that were famous in Mexico. Sugar skull sculptures and a huge structure of an axolotl.

            Jimin fixed his eyes on the younger who grabbed his hand happily and locked eyes with Jimin's before swiming forward with him to observe at the huge structures of dark or bright corals planted on every detail. Just exploring the ocean floor had figures afar and close by like an underwater museum for corals.

            Tightly, the younger held Jimin's hand so he wouldn't wander off. He longed to experience the beautiful ocean floors and dropping his eyes down to look at the many bright corals they would help out on their time here. Jungkook gazed at Jimin and the beautiful corals surrounding his boyfriend, believing that Jimin grew even more attractive in his eyes every day. He could feel his love grow for Jimin and his heart pound by the second while they swam through the structures of coral.

              As the two passed through the structures of coral together, they knew when would be the time to turn around and leave, yet, the aisles of the structures called to them and Jungkook was drawn to keep swimming and looking at most of the artistic structures. Not even trying to risk going down at all and putting the air tank in danger of being punctured by any rock. They intertwined hands together and caught each other in their glimpse, causing the older pull a smile while he still kept the mouth piece in between his lips to breathe.

            "He looks even more handsome underwater... Ugh if only I had contacts the first time we did this together. So I could remember how beautiful it must have been." Jimin said in his mind while he held tight to his lover. A bit far into the water, they noticed Yoongi swimming around a rock where Clownfishes rushed to their sea anemone to avoid the man. The couple approached the area Yoongi was exploring and gazed many school of fishes, stingrays and colored fishes ranging from light blue to orange scaled fish from all sizes.

             Jimin placed his hand on a rock to see a sea crab crawl out and flexing it's claws in a way to show Jimin that he was in his territory.

              After a while of exploring the ocean floor, Jungkook picked up an orange and slightly pink conch shell and swam up with Jimin to leave the ocean floor. They were allowed to pick up shells since those were harmless. So, Jungkook picked one for Jimin as a souvenir of their first expedition abroad. Knowing that there would be more trips in the future, he wanted Jimin to remember the first time they spent together in the beautiful island of Cozumel.

              Jimin climbed out of the water with his gear and took off the mouth piece and goggles to finally breathe air out in the surface while the scent of salted water filled his nose. "Ah, it was so beautiful down there!" Jimin said happily while Seokjin popped up to the surface, yet he was a bit far from the speedboat. Which resulted in him having to swim over to the boat quickly.

           "It was way more better finally knowing you could see it instead of squirming around and blinking your eyes at everything to try and look when you can't even see." Jungkook laughed and took off his gear with help of others and rose his goggles above his forehead to hold his drenched hair back. The younger then looked at the conch shell he held in his hands and gave it to Jimin. "Here you go~"

           "There were conch shells?!" Jimin asked excitingly while his eyes glistened by gazing at the beautiful conch that had many colors from orange as the outer shell and the inner was pink and slowly dyed into a purple inside. "It's beautiful.." Jimin said in awe and looked at the conch shell happily. This made Jungkook hold a smile on his face as he took off the rest of his gear.

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