Chapter 40: Loyalty

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            After a long day of love and endless smiles, the clock flashed 6:00 PM which meant the paradise and joy was over. Jungkook had to go to work and Jimin had to go on his date with his wife. Jimin was capable of walking but every step he took, he limped only slightly. Jimin panicked on what would be his excuse on why he walked like this because as carefree Yun-se may have seemed on the outside, she had curiosity roaring within her.

           Jimin sat on the bed in silence not wearing a shirt but just his black slacks  from his suit and tie Jungkook washed and pressed after. Making it look presentable and carry off a better scent than the odor of puke and alcohol. Jimin was close to putting on his dress shirt as Jungkook was spraying cologne all over his neck for work, but the younger then approached the older and tapped him.

           "You aren't planning on wearing your suit and tie with that hickey over your neck... Right?"

            "Do I have a choice?" Jimin responded with a sigh as the younger only scoffed and walked over to his cabinet and took out a white turtleneck sweater with black stripes on the center along the sweater horizontally.

            "Use this for your 'Date' with Yun-se. You know she would think something is up when you went drinking, never returned home, start limping slightly and there's a hickey on your neck. Then, she'll ask you where you get your sweater from? Jungkook! Your secret boyfriend. So wear this, or else you'll get embarrassed. Not only Yun-se would see it.. But everyone that passes by you, they might think you and your 'wife' are freaks." Jungkook continued to explain the importance of wearing a sweater over the hickey and this made Jimin let out a scoff that brushed off into a giggle.

          "Stop thinking too into this. Just give me the sweater and no more further explanations." Jimin stated as Jungkook rolled up the sweater to hold wide the neck hole and swiftly placed it over Jimin's head. Choosing to dress the older instead. "Ack- Jungkook! I can do it on my own, thank you very much!"

            "You're welcome~" Jungkook laughed as he walked off and placed his cologne down on the desk where he did most of his work. "Don't ever take that thing off. Only to sleep, only then you can probably put on some makeup."

             "Ugh, I can't put makeup on to sleep!" Jimin complained as Jungkook changed the earrings that hung from his earlobes.

               "Stop whining. You sound like a child now. Do you want to get caught? The worst thing that could happen is your Mother-in-law jumping in and ruining the fun."

              "Don't jinx it! I know there's a possibility she might show up, but I would love to ignore the thought."

            "Why do you both invite her then?" Jungkook laughed as Jimin started to get embarrassed.

             "We don't invite her... It's like she has strong instincts! And she tracks Yun-se's phone...that's why when Yun-se goes to work, she likes to turn off her phone and turn it back on when she's on her break or arrives home. Ugh... Being in an arranged marriage with a crazy and rich Mother-in-law kills me..."

            "Shhh... You won't be in it soon. You'll be with me." Jungkook added and patted Jimin's head softly. "Come on. I'll be late for work." Jungkook concluded and placed his arm around Jimin while they walked out of the room. Jimin limped slightly and this made Jungkook hold in his laughs before Jimin was to catch him making fun of the way he walks. It wasn't that bad, but Jungkook couldn't help but to tease Jimin for it.

            On his way to the car, Jimin looked back to see Jungkook biting his lip to hold in the laughter as Jimin folded his arms and pouted. "This wouldn't be happening if you could have went gentle!" Jimin scolded the younger and made it into his car while Jungkook climbed into his usual spot.

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