Chapter 27: Keep it on the low

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             Jimin parked his car at the parking lot by the building of the laboratory as Jungkook carried Jimin's flowers for him. Jimin killed the engine and opened the door to get out and Jungkook did the same, leaving the balloons in the car and taking out the flowers to carry for Jimin. "Jimin, good news!" Jungkook added as he caught up to the older and started walking along side the man.

           "What is it?" Jimin asked as Jungkook stepped in front of the older and handed him the bouquet of flowers.

           "You wouldn't have to take me to work since I asked for this day off! Pulled some strings and now I don't have to work today! But tomorrow, I have to work." Jungkook claimed as Jimin smiled and nodded his head.

         "That's good! Now we wouldn't have to wait for you so we can go out to drink!" Jimin said. The boy walked to the building while carrying Jimin's flowers, they scanned their ID badges and continued walking down the hall afterwards, but of course, Jungkook was trying his best to walk faster and be able to stand in Jimin's way to stop him from walking into the lab too early. "Jungkook! Move!"

            "Kiss me first~" Jungkook added as Jimin shook his head and took a good look around and smiled.

             "I'll just... walk to the resource center." Jimin lied and quickly turned around to dash and find the back door of the lab, but suddenly Jungkook pulled Jimin by the hand and brought him to his arms. "-AH!"

              "Kiss?" Jungkook asked with a cute smile as Jimin shook his head again, but then Jungkook brought Jimin into a back hug and sank down along the double doors and hugged Jimin tightly in his arms, hearing Jimin struggle to protect the flowers.

              "N-No kiss!" Jimin shouted leading Jungkook to smile and raise his hand to give a melodic knock on the door as everything seemed to grow silent inside the lab. Jungkook finally let go of Jungkook and Jimin jumped up swiftly to look back at Jungkook and gaze at his flowers. "Oh, Jungkook! you almost ruined the flowers!" Jimin complained as the younger stood up and chuckled.

             "Maybe I should dress up like a flower so you would give me attention." Jungkook chuckled and pulled Jimin by his hand and placed his arm around him. "Close your eyes~"

               "A-Ah you're too forceful!" Jimin whined as the younger covered Jimin's eyes and opened the door to see all of the lights in the lab turned off... Giving Jungkook a reason not to cover Jimin's eyes.

            Jimin stepped in and Jungkook shut the doors, diminishing the light from the hallways so the lab would be left in the dark. Jimin looked around and began to wonder why Jungkook was so silent... "Jungkook... Turn on the lights. No more surprises!" Jimin said, but yet again, no words from Jungkook.

          Just then, Jungkook finally switched on the lights and everyone in the lab shouted surprise! Springing up from their spots as Jimin looked around the lab that was decorated with streamers and balloons. This made Jimin laugh happily and cover his face from the surprise, looking to see Yoongi let out a yell instead while Seokjin carried a cake for Jimin. The last time Jimin had such a surprise party like this was when he was back in high school, before Jungkook began to pick on him. This was like a big make up for the time Jungkook ruined Jimin's birthday back then... Just thinking about something like this made Jimin tear up again. But it wasn't over just yet.

             Jungkook tapped on Jimin's shoulder and gave him a birthday card that held a gift certificate within it, but Jimin looked at the card and recognized it was similar to the one Jungkook gave him back in high school with big words that spelt 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FOUR EYES!' for a moment there, Jimin was proud to be called that from Jungkook. Just receiving a card from before made Jimin smile so happily as Yoongi and Seokjin approached the two with the cake.

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