Chapter 7: Teamwork

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           Jimin allowed Jungkook to review the formula as he watched over Jungkook adjust it and add in a few more mixtures onto the sequence. Jimin was surprised Jungkook knew so much. Just in high school, he never worked hard in biology like this. Jungkook never showed interest, but who knew he kept it all a secret?

           Jungkook passed the paper to Jimin and looked up at Jimin in the eyes. "Take a look..."

           Jimin fixed his glasses and held up the paper to read off the formula. Everything seemed to be in place and this was for the research on corals, trying to save them from extinction. Jimin stared at the work and double checked it so he could verify it. "All seems to be in the right place.. You changed my mixture?" Jimin questioned as Jungkook nodded with a smile.

          "That mixture was very poisonous. It could have been deadly to the coral." Jungkook added as Jimin looked at the page again. "And deadly to the life around it."

          "I see. You're very intelligent, Mr. Jeon." Jimin giggled as the younger smiled to himself happily. Glad he was able to prove his intelligence to Jimin like that.

          "Thank you. You're very smart yourself, Mr. Park." Jungkook added as Jimin stood up and fixed his lab coat.

           "Let's go make out." Jimin added as Jungkook stood up and started to laugh, making Jimin think on what he said again.

        " 'Make out', Mr. Park?" Jungkook laughed as Jimin quickly shook his head repeatedly.

          "No! I meant to say, Let's go make the mixture!" Jimin claimed as he grabbed Jungkook's hand and dragged him out so they could walk to the chemical lab. Jungkook kept laughing as Jimin tried his best not to look back and show Jungkook he was blushing from the embarrassment.

          "Make out?" Jungkook teased again causing Jimin to start laughing.

          "Shut up!" Jimin laughed and walked into the chemical lab where he made sure the doors were closed. Jimin let go of Jungkook's hand and looked back at the boy. "Set the jokes aside, Mr. Jeon." Jimin claimed and walked up to the gloves to place them on and goggles too. "Hurry up so we can get this done. I don't like staying here until night."

          "I hear you loud and clear, Park." Jungkook chuckled and placed on the gloves along with the goggles and apron. "Apron too." Jungkook advised, making Jimin quickly put on the apron too.

          Jimin brought out flasks and a small dish where he took out a jar of sea water and poured it onto the dish, looking back at Jungkook. "Well?" Jimin asked as Jungkook stopped leaning on the wall and stepped forward to help.

          "I'm helping." Jungkook added with a smirk. "You're in a rush. Do you really want to go home? I thought you loved it here." Jungkook mentioned. Jimin then took out a few mixtures and acids looking back at Jungkook.

           "I do love this job... At times.." Jimin chuckled as the younger smiled and examined the bottles before pouring a few of the harmless substances onto a small container. "You do know what you're doing.. Right?"

        "Of course I know what I am doing. I made the formula." Jungkook added as he started to mix the substance and look at Jimin. "Have you ever looked into something other than corals..?"

           "Yes. I looked into whales before. Mostly the ones washed up at shore. However, it's... Not a pretty sight." Jimin said and shuttered at the thought. "Not the best."

           "Tell me what happened!" Jungkook laughed as he looked at Jimin while mixing.

            "I have a feeling you already know what happens."

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