Chapter 62

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We sat in the back of the car, our hands aimlessly playing together on the empty seat between us. Danny had a strange grin on his face.

"So, where are we going first?" I asked

"We're going to go for dinner first, then we'll go for a little walk." Danny said with a smirk, surprising me a little that he had told me anything.

"Are we catching the early bird special?" I asked with a giggle, still confused as to why we have left so early.

"No" Danny smirked again. Obviously not going to tell me anything else.

"I'm going to miss you, you know?" I suddenly blurted out.

"I'm pretty sure I'll miss you too babe" he said, surprising me that he didn't respond with his usual 'Come with me then'. "But tonight, I don't want to think about being away from you, I just want us to have the perfect date, in the perfect place." He said with a smile as he looked out of the window.

I turned to follow his gaze, and suddenly realised we were at the airport.

"Danny?" I questioned. He smiled.

Our car drove straight past the terminal building, I should have known this was just a wind up. But then it pulled to a halt on a private runway with a plane just next to us.

"What the fuck have you done?" I asked gobsmacked at the situation I found myself in.

"Come on" he answered simply as he opened the door and got out of the car before running around to open my door.

"Where are we going?" I asked, excited but nervous too.

Danny simply took my hand and lead me up the steps of the plane. We sat down in the plush leather seats and Danny poured champagne for both of us.

"It's just a short flight, we'll be there in about an hour" he said as he held his glass out waiting for mine to clink against it.

I sat staring out of the window as if there would be clues in the sky as to where we were going. Then I started to think about where we could fly to in around an hour, but the possibilities were endless.

My questions were finally answered as the plane came in to land, I wouldn't have guessed where we were, all airports look the same to me, but Danny made his grand reveal when he said "Welcome to Paris" as the plane touched down.

"Are you kidding?" I asked him, totally taken aback

"Well, we've never really had a chance to explore the city together." He said as if this was a normal thing to do, before he added "And it's the city of love, so where else would I take you."

Danny lead me from the plane to another waiting car and we set off through Paris. I gazed out of the window in awe of all the famous sites and we eventually stopped at the most iconic landmark in Paris, the Eiffel Tower.

Danny had booked the restaurant on the first floor of the tower for us to have dinner. The views were spectacular and as I glanced at the clock on the wall I saw it was 8pm, he had timed it perfectly.

We ate dinner together, a perfect dinner. We laughed and joked and focussed only on each other. I realised how lucky we were to be able to do something as spontaneous as going to Paris for date night, but I also realised how little our surroundings mattered, we could've been anywhere, and I'd have been just as happy if Danny was with me.

After dinner we headed up the tower, something I've always wanted to do with Danny but one of those things that we just never got around to. The views were spectacular, I released my grip from Danny's hand and ran to the edge of the platform to take it in.
"Wow, Danny you've got to see this" I said full of excitement as I turned to see why he hadn't joined me yet.

I turned around and saw Danny down on one knee looking up at me. He took my hand and asked, "Will you marry me?".

"What?" I laughed, "Did you forget that we're already married?"

"OK, will you marry me again?" He asked with a giggle.

"In a heartbeat" I whispered to him.

Danny stood up and engulfed me in a warm hug before kissing me tenderly on my lips.

"I don't get it though babe, what's this all about?" I asked, confused by what had just happened.

"It's just with everything we've been through, and then the time I've had since coming out of the centre. I just needed you to know that I don't take you for granted, that being married to you isn't something I'm stuck with, it's a choice I'd make every single day if I could. I just thought that getting married again could be like a fresh start for us, and it also gave me the chance to give you the proposal that you deserved, not the fumbled one you got." He told me.

"So, what, you actually want to get married again?" I asked as I processed his words.

"I want you to know how special you are to me so yeah, why not get married again?"

"Danny, who are you doing this for?" I asked and saw a look of confusion mixed with hurt on his face. "If you want us to get married again then of course I will, but we don't have to do this." I explained.

"But I thought...." He started but I placed my finger over his lips to stop him from talking, I needed to explain how I was feeling.

"All those years ago when we took our vows, I promised to be the best wife I could be, I promised to love you every day for the rest of my life. Those vows meant so much to me, they weren't just words, they were everything. We've had a shitty time of it over the past year, but I feel like we've come out of the other side stronger than ever, and that's what a marriage is, us working together to make the best life possible. Danny, I don't need to take those vows again, I don't need to remind myself why I love you, I don't need to remind myself of the promises I've made, and I don't want a fresh start with you. I love that we've got a history together now, I love all the memories we've made along the way, I love the family that we've built together. And most of all..." I said as my fingers ran through his hair "....I love you."

"So, you don't want to get married again?" Danny asked as his face twisted slightly in confusion.

"I don't want another wedding day" I told him "I'd marry you again in a heartbeat, but luckily for me, I don't have to because you're already my husband. Danny, you go on tour tomorrow, do you remember how stressful it was trying to plan a wedding while you were on tour?"

Danny laughed, "I remember" he said with exhaustion in his voice at the thought of it. "But I also remember that I promised to spend every day for the rest of my life making you feel the way that you so effortlessly make me feel and I need you to know how important you are to me, because I've put you through hell this last year and you didn't deserve that."

"I know" I said before kissing him "And this right here, this is the perfect proposal" I told him.

"I will want you forever, I will need you forever and I will love you forever." He said as he gazed into my eyes.

"And that's all I'll ever need"

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