Chapter 54

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I kissed Danny one last time before lifting the 'treasure' with a slight giggled. "Hurry up and get dressed, the girls will be up soon" I laughed.

I went downstairs where I found Keira and Alleysha still looking everywhere for the hidden treasure.

"Mum, can you help us?" Alleysha said as she saw me.

"What you doing honey?" I asked, trying to keep a straight face.

"Treasure hunt, but Dad's got really good at hiding the treasure because we've been looking for ages." She told me, pangs of guilt hit me when I realised the cruel twist in Danny's plan.

"Where have you looked?" I asked.

"Everywhere mummy" Keira said looking really sad that she hadn't found the treasure.

"Have you checked the playroom?" I asked, they nodded. "What about the living room?" they nodded again. "Garden?" another nod. "Hallway?" again they nodded. "What about the music room?" finally the nod didn't come from either of them and they looked at each other before running to the music room. I followed them into the room and slipped the 'treasure' onto the piano without either of them seeing me do it.

After a few minutes of searching Keira spotted it "Alleysha, it's here" she said as she grabbed it and then they both ran upstairs to find Danny.

I laughed to myself as I went to the kitchen and put the kettle on. Just as it boiled I heard Danny coming down with the girls. "But what took you so long? I thought you two were good at treasure hunts?" he asked.

"Daddy that was a really, really hard one." Alleysha said.

"Do you want another?" Danny asked.

"Yes, but not so hard this time Daddy" Keira told him. The both closed their eyes and started counting to 10.

Danny went and hid the 'treasure' behind the TV and as soon as the girls reached 10, their hands dropped from their faces and they ran to start searching.

"Bring it to me in the kitchen when you find it." Danny shouted as he came over and placed a tender kiss on my lips.

We settled in the kitchen, chatting as I started to prepare dinner. Something wasn't right, I mean I was happy, I was in love, but something just wasn't right.

"What's on your mind Danny?" I asked as I realised that he wasn't invested in our conversation, which is usually a sign that something is praying on his mind.

"It's nothing." He said dismissively.

"It's something" I pressed further.

"I love you Kay, and I thought I'd lost you" he said. I stopped what I was doing and went over to Danny, sitting down on his lap as my arms wrapped around his neck. His fingers immediately started tracing patterns on my thigh.

"You've got to stop this Danny, you know how much I love you. Let's not keep going over old ground, I'm here to stay and I want to look forward, not back." I told him.

"No, I'm not talking about that" Danny said. "If I had thought I'd come home and things would be this good, I'd have made it so that I could stay forever. Kay, I've agreed to go out on tour again. The venues are all booked and we are due to make the announcement on Monday to the fans." Danny looked troubled as he said this.

"Well the sooner you go, the sooner you'll be back" I said, trying to sound upbeat, but I was gutted that Danny was leaving me again.

"Come with me?" Danny asked, I looked at him in disbelief.

"Found it Daddy" the girls yelled as they came running into the kitchen. I stood up from Danny's lap and went back to preparing dinner.

"Wow, that was really quick" Danny said to them.

"Can we have another one?" Keira asked.

"I need to think of a really good hiding place, why don't you go and play on the swing and I'll call you when I found somewhere?" Danny asked

The girls went out to the garden. Danny came and wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my neck. I tried to ignore him, but he's hard to ignore.

I turned around to look at him. "What do you mean, come with you?" I asked

"On tour" he replied like that was an answer to my question. "Kay, I agreed to this tour being booked because I thought I was coming out of the centre to who knows what, living who knows where and I thought it would give me a bit of time out before I had to actually acknowledge that I was alone. In reality, I've got you and I've got the kids and I'm so fucking happy right now and I wish that the tour wasn't booked, but it's too late for me to back out now."

I could see how troubled Danny was right now. My fingers ran up and down his arms and I smiled as I remembered the days before we had kids when I could just drop everything and go out on tour with Danny. "You need to get your career back on track babe, how long will you be away for?" I asked.

"It's just a UK tour, we'll be out for 3 weeks." He said.

"Is that all?" I laughed, "I thought you meant a world tour, away for months on end. Danny we can survive 3 weeks apart for you to work"

"I don't want to survive it Kay, I want you with me, I never want to spend another day away from you" he said as his eyes locked onto mine.

"4 kids Danny, what am I meant to do with them?" I asked

"They can come too" he said as if he had planned everything. "I'll book a tour bus that we can travel on as a family, just the 6 of us"

"Danny, I'd love to" I said, "but I can't just take the kids out of school to go on tour with you. And Keira hasn't ever known you be away on tour, she needs to know that we don't get to go with you, because we don't" I paused to kiss Danny, he looked deflated. "We'll skype every night, and I'll see if we can come to some of the weekend shows, how does that sound?" I asked.

"Not as good as you being there all the time, but better than nothing." He said.

I pulled Danny into a tight hug. "And for the record" I whispered in his ear, "If it was just me, I'd be straight on that tour bus, I'd travel to the end of the earth with you, I don't want to spend 3 weeks without you either."

"I love you so fucking much" he said, and I felt it, I really felt loved.

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