Chapter 10

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The next few weeks were awful, I felt like a prisoner in my own home as the paps were refusing to move until they got a story so aside from taking the kids to and from school, I didn't leave the house at all.

Jessica has been spending most of her time round at Amber's, she said she doesn't like it when the paparazzi are at our house but I worry that she is still upset about the fight that Danny and I had. I have no idea what she heard that night, but there were some pretty nasty things said that she shouldn't have heard. I tried to talk to her about it but what could I say? I'm not sure I understand it so I can't explain it to her.

Danny hasn't allowed the press intrusion to stop him from going about his day to day business, he still goes out every day but I think it must be bothering him a bit because he never quite seems himself when he gets home.

There's an air of excitement, mixed with disappointment as the lads will be releasing their album tomorrow. We are obviously all hoping that it will do well but they are usually on the promogedan trail by now so who knows what will happen with the album just dropping without any promo.

I heard the door, so guessed that Danny was home. I was sat working in the playroom while Alleysha and Keira played without a care in the world. "What you doing?" Danny asked, poking his head round the door.

"Nothing, just catching up on some emails from work" I replied with a smile as I watched the girls. "Where've you been?"

"Nowhere" Danny said quickly. "I'm going to the music room to try to write something"

"I think Adam's in there" I shouted after Danny but he was already gone. This is what the last few weeks have been like, Danny and I barely say anything to each other and hardly spend any time together. I remember the times when Danny used to disappear for a day or two and say very little and then he would have an amazing surprise planned for me but I just knew instinctively that this was different, I couldn't quite put my finger on it but something wasn't right. I'm not sure we're even a family any more, our connection just seems to have gone.

I sat for a while pondering and decided that I wasn't giving up on us without a fight, we're meant to be OK but I know deep down that we aren't. I needed to do something, to spend some quality time with Danny, I decided that I'd cook a romantic dinner for just the two of us tonight. Jessica is staying at Amber's so if I can get the other 3 off to bed early we can have date night, just like we used to. I smiled to myself feeling like I was taking a positive step before going to get my coat and my car keys to go shopping for supplies.

"Danny, can you watch the girls, I'm just nipping out to the shops" I said as I poked my head into the music room.

"I'm busy" he replied coldly. "Adam, go and keep an eye on your sisters, give me a shout if you need me" Danny said to Adam, passing on his responsibilities.

"But I thought we were going to write a song?" Adam complained.

"Your mum needs to go out so we'll write the song when she comes back, please just do this for me?" Danny tried to reason with Adam.

Adam sighed and got up to leave the music room. "Thanks son, I won't be long" I said as he passed me.

Danny didn't even look up once Adam left. I stood in the doorway for a few seconds, wondering if I should even make an effort with Danny, he clearly wasn't making an effort with me, but I opted to press forward with my plan.

I walked over towards Danny, "Do you need anything from the shops?" I asked.

"No" he replied, still not looking at me.

"OK, I won't be long" I said as I placed two fingers below his chin, tilting his head ever so slightly until I was able to bend down and press my lips against his.

As I went to walk away, Danny pulled at my arm and before I knew it I was sat on his lap as he kissed me passionately, his fingers running through my hair as the heat in the embrace was turned up. "I love you" he whispered breathlessly as he pulled away from the kiss.

"I love you too" I whispered as I pecked his lips one last time before I stood up and left. Maybe tonight wasn't such a bad idea.

I left the house with a new sense of positivity, I even managed to joke with the paparazzi as I got into the car, obviously not telling them anything, but I felt happier than I had in a long time.

After collecting everything I needed from the shops, I headed back home and after preparing dinner for me and Danny I got to work on mission get the kids to bed early.

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