Chapter Twenty-Eight

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*Troye's POV* 

"So you two haven't kissed yet?" Sage chirped, sitting up taller in the passenger's seat. I groaned, completely done with her Tyler interrogation. She did this all the time, waited until we were in a position where I couldn't run off, like driving, before bombarding me with questions. It wasn't just for her own curiosity's sake either, I knew very well she reported all my answers back to my other family members. After meeting Tyler they only got a hundred times more interested in him, constantly pelting me with annoying questions. It got to the point that I blew up at them, saying I'd never have Tyler over again if they didn't tone it down. Surprisingly, they'd taken me seriously for once. They did tone it down, and by that I mean they sent Sage to get their answers instead of all attacking me separately. It was still annoying as hell, but it wasn't nearly as overwhelming.

"No! How many times do I have to answer this question?"

"Until I get the answer I'm waiting for, obviously." She said matter-of-factly, reaching forward to fiddle with the radio again. I slapped her hand away though, trying to keep my eyes on the road as I did so.

"I will never drive you to school again if you keep this up." I snapped, knowing this was a reasonable threat. She was always begging me to drive her to school, something about an unwanted admirer that creeped her out every time she went on the bus or something. Most days, I ignored her pleads, but I'd been particularly cheery this morning and she'd taken advantage off it, convincing me to be her chauffeur for a change. Thankfully she never found out why I was so happy, she'd have a heyday knowing Tyler had asked me to spend Halloween night with him. Two weeks ahead of time. It was like he was worried I'd make other plans or something. Either way, I was more excited for the holiday than I'd been in years.

"Aw, someone's blushing." She squealed suddenly, only succeeding in making me blush deeper. Any time my cheeks turned even a shade pinker than usual I was called out on it now, either by my family accusing me of thinking about Tyler, or Tyler himself curiously asking what I was thinking about that had me blushing like that.

"I will kick you out of this car right this second." I threatened, gripping the steering wheel tighter as I tried to make the blush disappear.

"No you won't." She beamed in a singsong voice, looking out of her window, likely judging how far the distance from here to the school was. I sighed, realizing how much of a softie I'd become. Even my threats were easily observed as hollow now, to the point my siblings didn't even care when I threatened them.

"Yeah, but I want to." I mumbled, my voice quiet enough to successfully end the conversation. It was a good thing too, because I wasn't sure how much more I could take if she veered the conversation back to the topic of Tyler.

Nearly three hours later I was in my least favorite class, snailing through a bunch of history questions at a horribly slow pace. It wasn't that they were difficult, just extremely boring. Each one called for a half page answer and I just wasn't in the mood to write them out. My good mood from earlier had faded completely, leaving behind a very grumpy atmosphere. I wasn't sure if there was any one thing that caused it, maybe Sage's obnoxiously loud friends giggling when I dropped her off and she introduced me to them, or when I seen Tyler and Caspar laughing like good friends in the hall when I wasn't even allowed to go near him at school. I mean, technically he had never told me to stay away from him, but he'd never made a move to come near me at school either. It just bothered me that someone he absolutely hated got to spend their days with him while I wasn't able to. 

"Troye!" I jolted upward, my eyes wide as they landed on the teacher. Shit. He asked me a question, didn't he? My eyes darted to the whiteboard, panicking when I found it to be completely blank. So much for finding clues on what was going on there. I guiltily looked back to the teacher.

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