Louis and his Plans...

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“Louis, I don’t think this is a good idea.” Zayn said, looking at Louis skeptically. 

“Don’t be ridiculous.” Louis said brushing him off.  His plan was flawless, well nearly flawless.

“I agree with Zayn,” Liam added, resting his chin on the top part of the seat between Louis and Zayn.  He gave Louis a dissaproving look.

“I think it’s a brilliant plan.” Niall piped up, a smile on his face because he was still trying to contain his laughter from Louis and his plan to kidnap Melina. 

"Thank you Niall!" Louis said wanting to hug his only supporter.

“Kidnapping is a legal offense Niall,” Liam said shaking his head at them. 

“I’m not really kidnapping her.” Louis muttered. 

“Louis, you plan to make the girl deliver ice cream to our van, and then take her with us, mostly likely without her consent, if that’s not kidnapping, I have no idea what runs through your mind.” Zayn sighed. 

“Not with us, just with me.” Louis corrected causing Liam to groan and Niall to burst into laughter again. 


“What?! No I am not going in the freezing cold to deliver ice cream to a bunch of lazy people that can’t even bother to get out of their car!” Melina said to Kelly who was currently holding the phone to her ear. 

“They say they’ll give you a fifty dollar tip!” Kelly hissed holding her hand over the receiver. 

“You do it then or Lucy!” Melina said before going straight back to washing the counter. 

Kelly pressed her ear to the telephone to say that she’d be right there but was shocked at the response.  “They only want you.” Kelly said a little weirded out herself at the exclamation on the other end, upon her response.

“What?” Melina said looking up. 

“I don’t know!” Kelly said looking at her.  “But they just upped it to a hundred dollar tip.”

Melina was taken aback, though a bit anxious now.  Who the hell was willing to give her a hundred dollar tip… Louis Tomlinson.  It had to be him.

“Tell them hell no, and tell Louis that he can take that hundred dollars and pay the charges for my 3G overcharge!”

“What?” Kelly said totally confused. 

Melina shook her head before she traded the wash cloth for the phone.  Kelly sighed before handing the phone over.  “Louis Tomlinson, I know that’s you! And this is all I have to say to you, take that hundred and pay my damn phone bill! You went way over my limits so now I have a mammoth of a 3G bill! All because you had to spam every social network you could get to with I love Louis Tomlinson! Goodnight and do not bother me!” Melina yelled before hanging up. 


All five of the boys looked at each other upon Melina hanging up. 

Niall whistled into the silent car as none of them knew what to say.

“I think she’s pissed off Lou.” Harry quipped.

Louis grimaced as he had to agree.  “Okay, change of plans then,” Louis announced.  “We’re going in! New plan!”

Niall was the only one that cheered upon the thought of eating ice cream while the rest of the boys all groaned.  Louis and his plans. Even they were starting to feel bad for Melina.


“Welcome to Rachel’s Par- oh my god!” Lucy said before letting out a fanigirl shriek upon seeing that One Direction had just entered the store. 

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