Crashed Date

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“Hello?” Louis asked as he picked up Melina’s cell phone, just lounging in his hotel room, the concert having ended so he could just relax now.

“What the hell, its you again!”

“Why hello Rob,” Louis quipped, recognizing the voice right away as the same idiot that had been calling three times a day, every day.  Louis didn’t really know the guy but from the numerous texts and messages, plus a little snooping through Melina’s texts to her best friends, Louis knew that Rob had cheated on Melina and was currently groveling to get her back. 

“Can I just talk to Melina?”

“No,” Louis said astounded to be asked this question again.  Man how many times did he have to tell the guy no?

“Look, you don’t know her like I do,” the way he said it so arrogantly, Louis knew exactly what the guy was implying and it only made him all the more angry. 

“She’s in the shower right now,” Louis lied through his teeth, stressing it in a way so that he was implying the same thing.  He felt much satisfaction at hearing the sharp intake of breath on the other end. “Don’t call back!” Louis yelled before hanging up. 

“What was that?” Liam asked coming in Louis’s room. 


“You still haven’t returned the cell phone back to that girl have you?”

Louis shook his head. 

“Oh Louis,” Liam sighed before jumping face down on the bed beside him. 

“I’m trying.” Louis defended himself.


Melina drove almost a good hour to get to her parents’ home in the outer suburbs.  She groaned  because she did not have her phone so she was unable to hook it to the auxiliary, instead had to listen to the radio with all of its commercials. 

“And One Direction with their song One Thing!”

Melina cursed Louis Tomlinson again as his voice as well as his mates, all filtered through her car.  But then she began to sing to the catchy tune herslef, still cursing Louis, but started to especially like one of the guy's voices, the one that sang at the beginning actually.


“Mom, dad?” she asked, coming through the unlocked door. 

“We’re in here sweetie.” Her mom immediately answered. 

When Melina made it to the living room, she paused while looking on, wide eyed. It wasn’t just her parents that were there but also another family, one that she knew very well considering they lived right next door all of her life.  Melina couldn’t help but mentally scream, oh my god they were trying to still set her and Henry up!

Henry was the perpetual boy next door and since the two of them had been two, their mothers had been trying to get the two of them to go on a date.  Only thing was that the two of them were not into each other like that. Henry would rather watch Star Wars in his house while Melina had loved playing ball with her brothers.  When you’re seven years old and you have the potential to beat up a boy, boys just weren’t attracted to you as was the case with Henry and well Melina just wasn’t into a lot of boys and such.  Rob had been her first boyfriend and that was in her freshman year of college.

“Hi Mr, Mrs. Haze... Henry.” Melina said, giving a very small smile, resisting the urge to bolt.

“Melina, don’t you just get prettier and prettier every time we see you, right Henry?” Mrs. Haze said, already prodding Henry and Melina.

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