Country Concerts and Goodbye Kisses

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“You are such an idiot.” Eva whispered as she and Melina looked at her laptop, both slouched in their seats to not be seen as they were both in their Kinesiology class, the fancy way to say the study of earth and rocks. 

“Well excuse me, I didn’t know.” Melina protested.  “It’s not my fault, I mean-”

“You compared his ex to Eleanor Roosevelt! No wonder Savannah looked like she was going to die.”

“I quite like Eleanor Roosevelt! She’s an admirable woman! I would feel honored to be compared to her!” Melina ardently said.

“I am so glad to hear this, but what does the former first lady have anything to do with biomechanics ladies?” Their professor’s voice boomed.

Melina’s and Eva’s eyes widened as they both slunk down even further in their seats. 

“You are still stupid.” Eva whispered as she exited out of the Google results for Eleanor and Louis Tomlinson.

Melina glared at her as she poked her best friend.


“Ahh" Melina groaned. "I hate morning classes!” She said yawning as she and Eva finally exited the class an hour and fifteen minutes later. 

“Yeah, but it might help if you also didn’t stay up all night watching How I Met Your Mother with your boy toy.”

Melina glared over at her friend.  “He would not leave!” Melina defended as Louis had refused to leave after their… well kiss. He’d even said he was going to savor Melina’s defeat as long as he could, so he had refused to leave and the two had ended up eating microwave popcorn whilst watching her favorite TV show. “And  Louis is not my boy toy!”

Eva grinned as she nodded sarcastically.  “But I bet he wishes he was,”

Melina narrowed her eyes at her.  Her grey orbs piercing at Eva’s twinkling ones full of laughter.  She sighed giving up.  “Well I’m just excited, in an hour we get to see the concert!” She exclaimed changing the subject.  It was too early in the morning, barely eight thirty in fact, to deal with the complicated mess that was her and Louis Tomlinson. 

Eva laughed before dragging Melina to the subway where they both could head back home.  


Twenty minutes later, dressed in a pair of jeans and a white button up shirt, Melina was putting on her cowboy boots that her brothers had bought her for her graduation gift a few years ago.  Halfway putting on the second boot, the doorbell went off causing Melina to stumble as she tried to hop to the door all the while still trying to get the  second boot on.  It was a miracle that she hadn’t fallen flat on her face.   

“Eva you’re- Louis?” Melina stopped halfway as she realized that it was not Eva on the other side of the door but actually Louis.  In a pair of tan trousers, a white t-shirt, and suspenders, with a large suitcase beside him. 

“You ready to go?” Louis grinned, waving the concert ticket that Eva had given him just a bit ago. 

Melina’s jaw dropped.  “What, what, but how, don’t you have a flight back home today?!”

Louis’ grin only got wider.  “Eva, and yes but at three, so that means you Melina Hanas still have five hours of me, and I bought my bags so you have to drive me to the airport. Unless you’d rather I stay longer…” Louis wiggled his brows.

Melina just stared at him, her jaw agape, still shocked.  “I’m going to kill her.” Melina muttered at last causing Louis to laugh.  “And you, ugh!”

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