Stolen Date

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Melina had a surprisingly good time at lunch with Louis and his band mates.  The five of them were entertainment at its purest form. Melina couldn't help but like them.  Louis was something though; she just wasn't sure if it was good or bad something yet.

Thankfully Louis kept his promise and dropped her off at work just in time so that she wasn't late.  Planning ahead she made Louis drop her off two blocks away so that he wouldn't know where she worked, because she just knew that Louis would be like her friends that liked to come in just to annoy her but maybe worse even. Yes, Louis Tomlinson would probably be a lot worse. She could see it now...


Three hours later of  little traffic due to the cold, Eva came into the store. She had a bag in hand with Melina's date clothes just as Melina's shift was ending. 

"Who's ready for their fairy god mother!" Eva exclaimed putting the bag on one of the many empty tables. 

Melina cringed a little but tried to hide it from Eva who was more than excited enough about the double date for the both of them. 

"So you never told me that you had these in your closet." Eva said scowling as she followed her best friend to the worker's locker rooms. 

Melina whirled around to see what she was talking about, her eyes immediately widened.  "Eva, what, how did you find them?"

"Why would you hide them?"

"Because they are utterly impractical and I can't wear those tonight!"

"Yes you can and yes you are. You my friend are going to knock Darren right over."

"Oh my god, isn't Cinderella's god mother supposed to make her look classy?"

"Yes but that's for a prince, you get a chemistry nerd that's almost as bad as Kent." Eva said taking the black leather pants out and laying them over the bench.  "You are going to be the only thing he can look at."

"The only thing he's going to look at is my butt in those things," Melina made a face.  "You know there's a reason why I hid those."

"Then why did you buy them?" Eva countered.

Melina was silent. 


Liam refused to go with Louis as well as Zayn who said that he'd already been there and done that. While muttering under his breath that he'd never do it again.  Niall wanted to go; rather excited at the thought of crashing Melina's date but had to do an individual interview, leaving only Harry to come with him.  The two worked a very extensive plan to sneak out and by the time it was the start of Melina's double date, both had successfully done so. 


Melina felt very  self conscience of herself because she was a bit out of place at the lounge.  Eva had gone all out on her, once again curling her auburn hair, applying enough make up that she looked as blemish free as one of the Victoria Secret models along with rogue red lips to apparently entice Darren into planting one on her, Eva's words not hers.  Not to mention an outfit that if it got any tighter, well she may as well have just worn her birthday suit out tonight.

Unlike all the other girls around her in their short skirts and dresses, Melina was literally wearing a pair of very form fitting leather pants and a black linen button up accompanied with the push up bra that Eva forced her in.  

Eva had wanted her to steal the show tonight, and she was, in all the wrong ways.  If she even felt another guy's gaze lingering on her butt, she was going to take the bat from underneath the bar and start swinging it.

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