Chapter 48

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Sam managed to find a vehicle. The problem was it was an old dingy little beetle that had no qualms about being able to start in the first place but did when he borrowed--no, stole it, so now they were all stuck with it. 

Apparently, they were going for inconspicuous. 

Bucky wasn't impressed.

He'd nearly smacked the Falcon when the man insisted he sit in the backseat to prevent street cameras from taking a shot. He'd argued that all three of them were Wanted now so it didn't matter.

Steve the knight in shining armor stepped in before things got heated, leaving Bucky grumbling and cursing under his breath. He swore Sam was doing it on purpose since he caught the male smirking from the corner of his eye.

So after squeezing into the vehicle which miraculously managed to hold the weight of all three men, they proceeded to drive out of the City. Bucky had no idea where they were headed, but he knew it wasn't to escape.

Steve was still intending on going after that Evaluator and Bucky was the only one that remembered where the location of the other Winter Soldiers was located. 

The plan was to get there before the Evaluator could wake them up--correction, before the others caught up, which surely, was bound to happen. They needed the Quinjet in order to do that. 

Bucky sighed and attempted to shift his position but it was impossible so he'd resorted to just laying still and tiddling at his thumbs, silently gazing up at the ceiling of the vehicle.

The ride is silent with Steve and Sam making remarks back and forth. He knew they were discussing strategies and he should probably tune in but he couldn't quite care at the moment.

Not when there's a giant shadow looming behind him, threatening to swallow all his progress and all his efforts. 

He didn't think he remembered, though he would be lying if he said he was trying. 

He didn't want to remember. He didn't want to remember what he did. 

It would surely break not only him but her as well.

Frustration, maybe it was even fear, but there was a part of him that didn't want to tell the truth. He didn't want to tell Lorelie what he did because he was afraid she'd never forgive him.

"Alright, wait here," Steve parked the car under an overpass, hidden from cameras and prying eyes.

Bucky glances up, doing a scan of the area with trained precision. He would know if it was an ambush, but it wasn't. So he relaxed a bit although his shoulders remained tense. He watches Steve as the man stepped out of the car and made his way towards another vehicle just in front, parked in the shade of the bridge. 

Sam remained silent, hand held out to rest against the back of Steve's seat for space. 

No one made a move to talk, both men silently holding their breaths in anticipation as though at any moment, guards will spill out with their guns drawn.

Instead of guards though, a woman stepped out.

Bucky narrowed his gaze, heart, in his mouth but stopped short upon realizing it wasn't Lorelie but a blond lady. 

Disappointment? Perhaps it was even dejection. 

A part of him wished it was her.

"Is she on our side?" Bucky's words are gruff and fairly clipped. 

"She's on whatever side Steve is," Sam shifted, hands crossed over his chest, and replied just as gruff and curt. "--but we can't fight without our suits or weapons, the others are gonna come at us with everything they got."

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