Chapter 18

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Let the battle begin lmao.

You will grow to understand what's happening and the relationship between Tony and Steve.

P.S Don't kill me? Please? On the next few chapters?

Marvel quote;

"Who else knows? Anybody?"


"Not even your unusually attractive aunt?"

Tony the 24/7 playboy and his refusal-to-admit-it-son, Petah Pahkar.

(Yes that was meant to be like that)

~~@ @ @~~

"Alright, I'll go first. Riley, Natasha, Clint, I need you to stay on the air. We don't know if anyone's home."

Steve speaks through the comm once we place him down on top of a building.

"Just don't die Cap, I'll handle on finding them," I said, shutting my eyes and sweeping the city for familiar energy waves.

I cross-checked every human being out there when I ruled them out as not Ultron and frown in frustration when nothing hits back at me.

Even the twins seemed to be lost too. Scarlet has taken the initiative to block me off entirely.

"You got anything?" Natasha asks me from the front.

"Nothing yet!" I called out, spacing out my abilities even more. "They couldn't have gone far."

"Dr Cho!" Steve shouts, panicked from the comm.

"He's uploading himself into the body..." Came her weak voice.

"Shit is she injured?" I asked, dropping the field.

"Where?" Steve demands.

"The real power is inside the Cradle. The gem, its power is uncontainable. You can't just blow it up. You have to get the Cradle to Stark."

Of course, he'd figure out that the Scepter was something too good not to use.

"Stupid Tin-a-lot." I mumbled, focusing on finding his energy source.

"First I have to find it," Steve concluded, sounding determined. "Did you guys copy that?"

"We did," Clint answers for all three of us. He was circling the jet around the city.

"I got a private jet taking off, across town, no manifest. That could be him." Natasha was typing away at the monitor.

"No," I stop her, feeling something crackle back at me.

The threads worked.

I found him.

"Barton, you see that bridge?" I point at the highway up north. "Head there, he's in one of the Lab's trucks,"

Clint flew the jet over, manoeuvring the heavy machinery so we had a clear angle down below and sure enough the large truck was driving down the loop of the bridge.

"There, I see it. It's right above you Cap, on the loop by the bridge." He tells Steve. "I can take out the driver,"

He flips through the controls for the air gun.

"No," I stop him, grabbing his hand that hovered by the trigger. "That gem's unstable. You shoot it and it could level the city,"

"Riley's right, we need to draw out Ultron," Steve agrees, slightly out of breath.

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