Chapter 22

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Ultron knows we're coming. Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire, and that's what we signed up for. But the people of Sokovia? They didn't. So our priority is getting them out.

"Tony, circle the area, see if you can find what Ultron's up to. If you find him, do not engage. Take me with you when you do."

"Got it Blues," Tony took off for the city and began to circle it as I told him to.

From a distance, the sound of tolling bells could be heard.

A warning meant to alert civilians.

Meanwhile, I was helping Scarlet get the rest of the civilians away from the City.

She was using her mental manipulation to get them out of their houses and towards the outer bridge.

The people were moving through in a calm and orderly line, less we risk a stampede.

It was painfully slow progress but the team was doing everything they could to get them out.

Even as I speak, Steve and Thor were forming a perimeter line, whilst Snow White and Clint was somewhere up the blocks from here.

Bruce was on recon duty, his main job being; find Natasha.

All they want is to live their lives in peace, and that's not going to happen today. But we can do our best to protect them. And we can get the job done, and find out what Ultron's been building.

"Did you inform the police?" I asked Snow White after he appeared beside me, trails of white light blurring from behind his steps.

"I told them to get off their asses," He smirked at me, winking.


Rolling my eyes dramatically, I weave my fingers and the lights swirl themselves beneath the city.

I was trying to find out what Ultron was doing.

Why did he need all that Vibranium in the first place?

"Steve, how's everything looking?" I asked, putting a hand to the comm, as I continued my search.

Nothing was pinging off my threads. Ultron remained hidden.

"They're getting out as fast as they can, but it's taking too long."

The Super Soldier sounds worried and I understood why.

The attack could happen any minute.

"Hey Scarlet, move it up a notch," I tell her as I pillared myself above a roof and landed gracefully on the top.

With one knee, I kneeled so I could better stabilize myself against the snowy rooftop. It was slippery so I reminded myself not to abruptly stand up.

It was the least of my worries.

From above, I could see dozens of civilians and cars, making their way to the overpopulated bridges, blocking both ends from going any further.

It was an increasing bottleneck.

We find Romanoff, and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us.

Steve sure knows how to make a speech. It still rings clear in my mind. The speech he gave us in the Quinjet before we all descended to do our jobs.

Ultron thinks we're monsters and we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right.

"Got him," Tony's voice rings in victory. "Let's go Blues."

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