Chapter 45

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Several hours of cleanup later, the conscientious was that Steve and Sam disappeared during the chaos.

There's no CCTV footage of where they went after the blackout but eyewitnesses put Steve and Bucky on the rooftop with the Helicopter before it crashed over the harbor. Knowing Sam, he'd probably regrouped with Ice Pick as soon as he could.

So for now, my gut tells me they've taken Bucky somewhere safe.

I only hope they could keep him that way until I'm released from heavy supervision by the United States Government.

"Here," Natasha swipes me an ice pack from across the table and I gratefully accepted it, taking the pack to put against my forehead.

Damn, that head butt hurt like a bitch.

Since Ross still deems me a weapon of mass destruction, I've been detained in a rather nice-looking office for the remainder of I don't know.

Natasha's been keeping me company, more like she's been nursing my wounds--putting antiseptic on the cuts I've gotten during the altercation.

The Spy chooses to remain quiet as the two of us sat there, although her green eyes are narrowed in focus, her fingers careful in wrapping the bandage around my neck. 

I don't bother looking in the mirror, I know I look like shit. The bluish-green fingerprint bruise around my neck is evidenced enough of the crap I'd gone through.

The Winter Soldier had not been kind. Then again he was looking to kill and I was the dumbass that threw myself in his way.

Good times.

No clue as to where my brother went but I'm hoping he shows up soon.

I needed to escape from here and figure out how to get Bucky away from the fight.

No Bucky, means no war.

No war, means my friends get to keep their heads.

Placing the ice pack down, I crane my neck away from Natasha, silently shooting her a glare to leave it, even as she frowns. 

"It'll heal soon," I tell her and attempt to crack the muscles in my back to get rid of the stiff feeling only to wince when a loud crack reverberated around the room.

Natasha packs up the first aid kit, her mouth curling into a small smile. "Never gets better does it?"

I roll my eyes. "If it was, they'd be millions of people lining up to be one of us. We'd be out of business."

The Russian hides a smile and looks down at the table where the stupid metal contraption lies.

They didn't put it on me but it was there, for show, that they could. I suppose being a potential threat could do that to you.

"How did you know, you could stop Barnes?" She relaxes onto the chair, arms crossed, red hair somehow, still in place despite the commotion. Leave it to her to look flawless no matter where we are. "He didn't know you, this time."

So she realized it too.

"I didn't," I answered honestly. "This was the version of the Winter Soldier before he met me,"  

The look she gave me could have buried me 6 ft under.

"You knew," She paused. "And yet you tried to stop him, tell me why are you so reckless again?"  

"I couldn't leave him like that," I run my fingers down my hair, but they came away knotted so I stopped. "He would have done the same for me."

"It was dangerous,"

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