Chapter 34

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Be honest though, what did you think of Book 1?

Oh and read the A/N at the end.

Marvel quote;

"I am Thor, son of Odin, and as long as there is life in my breast... I am running out of things to say, are you ready?"  

The mighty Thor in a choke hold by Ultron. XD

~~@ @ @~~

One, single, action.

A decision really.

And I was gone.

I packed up my stuff, got rid of anything that could track me, and disappeared.

Boarding the first flight to god knows where seemed like a good idea. I did that and never looked back.

Of course, I made sure all traces of me was gone too. There was no point going into hiding if the others could find me and I wasn't called the Dark Witch if I couldn't simply disappear.

It would've been an insult to my legacy.

Maybe it was a bad decision on my part.

To leave my family when they were most vulnerable. To not support them like I used to.

People do different things to cope with their problems. I suppose mine was running away.

But was I really running away or was I simply doing this so I won't hurt them when I'm gone?

Maybe that's why I'm distancing myself.

I couldn't be sure. My mind was too loud to think about it right now.

All I know was that I had to get away.

"Miss, the plane has landed." A flight attendant gestured at me, giving me a kind smile.

Blank, I tucked in my sunglasses and blink rapidly to clear my vision. "Where am I?"

She frowns, unsure what I meant. "Bucharest, Miss."

The flight attendant was probably confused since I was the one that had boarded the plane, surely I would know where my destination was.

Well too bad for her, I didn't pay attention and when I said I was taking a flight to god knows where-- it seems that meant here.

How very quaint.

"Thank you," I got off the plane and made my way through the airport, making sure my head was low even as I got in a cab and booked a motel.

As the sister of Tony Stark and an Alias known as the Dark Witch, I was a celebrity wherever I went.

People would swarm if I wasn't careful. Any other day, I would've welcomed the fans.

But for now, I just needed to be alone.

Alone to... gather my thoughts.

Alone to... die...

Once the others sign the Accords, the ones who didn't would be seen as fugitives to the law.

Well, I'm not signing, neither am I agreeing. I was on my own side here with no one to back me up.

The law will come after me soon.

Just a matter of time.

The way I looked at it I can't choose between Tony and Steve. The decision in itself was horrible. God knows where that would take me.

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