Chapter 17

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The team did quick work in suiting up.

Apparently, every one of us had stopped sulking and was ready to get up off our asses and fight.

About time.

I had just laced up my boots and started down the stairs when I saw Steve and Tony arguing quietly by the doorway.

I paused in my steps temporarily and strained my ears to hear what they were saying.

"The mission's going to be pretty hands-on, so I'll take Natasha and Clint, Thor's a no-show so..."

Steve paused, frowning. "... and I don't really want to ask this but-"

"Blues?" Tony stops him, nodding resignedly. "Yeah, I know what you're about to say."

"You think Riley will be up for it? I know for a fact she's stronger than any of us, we'll need her."

"Do you really think she'd say no..?" Tony rolls his eyes. "Besides, she'd strangle me if I kept her from the fight."

Both men stared at each other, shrugging.

A small smile grew on my lips at their interaction. Beforehand they were fighting. I hope they were more or less okay now.

Neither was angry or insulted, rather they seem to have come to a conclusion that there was no point going back and forth.

"Alright, I'm gonna hit the NEXUS. I'll join you as soon as I can," Tony patted Steve's shoulder at that.

A small smile grew on my lips at their interaction. Beforehand they were fighting. I hope they were more or less okay now.

"I'll drop Banner off the tower, do you mind if I borrow Ms Hill?" Fury popped in between the two males, pausing mid-stride the doorway.

"She's all yours apparently," Tony mumbled, sounding a bit disgruntled that Fury still keeps an eye on him. "What are you gonna do?" He prodded.

Stepping down the last flight of stairs, I made my entrance.

"Something dramatic, Nicky?" I raised an eyebrow, giving him a joking smile.

He nods in my direction. "Something dramatic." He agreed.

Fury and Banner were the first to exit the house. After that, Clint and Natasha climbed aboard the Quinjet, which left Steve, Tony and me behind.

"Blues, I won't be there to save your ass but swear to me you won't do anything stupid." He tells me as we stop in between the house and the jet.

"Tony, my heart may have stopped, but I'm the most capable out of all of you right now," I said exasperatedly, gesturing to my healed body.

It was the truth. I no longer felt mental or physical pain. My abilities had healed me for that.

The only thing it didn't heal were the blue veins.

The long sleeves of my suit covered that, so there was really nothing to say.

"Fine," He grumbled, opening his arms wide as though expecting a hug.

"Uh, no." I shook my head, childishly poking my tongue at him.

Steve laugh at our interaction and followed me as I climbed on board, leaving Tony behind.

"Hey Capsicle if my sister gets hurt, I'll put you back in the freezer," Tony calls out to Steve, glaring at him, pointingly.

Steve smiles and mock salutes before Natasha slams the ramp button, enclosing us inside.

"Check for controls," Natasha notes as she raises her fingers towards the ceiling, pushing and prodding at the buttons. "Clint, you got it?"

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