Chapter 13

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"Pietro, I told you to stop touching that!"

"It's shiny!"

"It's explosive!"

I opened my eyes, finding myself laying on the cool marble ground.

I'm not in the jet. Nor am I in the cavern.

I was... somewhere else.

A Lab maybe?

Rising from my position, I am surprised to find that I was no longer in pain.

At least I don't think.

The injury from my stomach is gone but the bruises were still visible.

How was I here again?

"Do you think what we did was right?" I heard a familiar voice call out, sounding oddly guilty.

I turned around to see the Twins.

They were hanging by the wall of an expensive-looking column.

Snow White frown. "Do you regret it?" He asked her.

Scarlet shakes her head, unsure. "I felt their pain. Their worst fears and I used it against them."

Damn straight they did.

At least she admitted it.

Standing up, I shakily grip onto a table but my hand only went through, so I simply steadied myself on my own.

I wasn't here at all, this was a mirror projection.

But I don't recall ever casting it. Wasn't I just at the Quinjet?

Memories float overhead. The last thing I remember was closing my eyes and sinking into darkness.

"Why the second thoughts?" Snow White demands, sounding slightly offended. It was a front, stemmed from his own insecurities over their own actions.

Scarlet flash him a glare. "Because I saw the desperation in her eyes when I did it."

I realized she was talking about me.

The twins settle in silence and Scarlet shakes her head, angered. "It did not feel good."

"It shouldn't," I say lightly, making my way over.

The twins look up at my approach but unlike the first time where they were defensive, they remained where they are.

I watch her eyes drop towards my body, scanning, and I realized, I looked like shit. Really.

"It's going to take more than that to take me down," I joked, keeping my distance.

Snow White approach me warily, gaze narrowed. "You are not mad?"

"Mad?" Came my scoff. "I'm furious. You turned my team against each other and made us into monsters."

They blink. Unsure how to respond to what I'm saying.

"We simply revealed your true colours." Scarlet was trying to come up with reasons, but I've made up my mind.

"True colours--do you even hear yourself talk?!" My voice careens across the lab, resounding back like an echo.

"You think we wanted to attack the City? You think we wanted to hurt civilians?"

The volume of my anger is rising.

I'm not yelling anymore, but each word felt like a blow in itself.

"I hope you're happy," In the beginning, I could still defend them, defend their actions and intentions, but now I don't think I could.

The Dark Witch: Fallen (Avengers Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now