Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 is up and running peoplezz. Give it a vote, comment along the lines. You know the drill. 

Marvel quote;

"Why would you want to save the galaxy?!"

"Because I'm one of the idiots who lives in it!"

Star-Lord and a snappy Rocket at the planet no where.

~~@@ @~~

"Someone tell me where the hell Strucker is or I will explode the building!"

I shout, after finally finding the tiny ear comm in the snow and putting it on.

Through the energy waves reflected back at me, I felt most of my team members cringe. They knew how serious I am at dealing threats and also know I'm very pissed off at the moment.

Wave and waves of angry energy rolled off me and they only added to my fueling cackling abilities.

Jesus, I'm going to teach those two a thing about manners.

Excuse me, you're one to talk. You're the most childish of them all.

I'm sorry brain, why are you fighting me right now?

"Blues head onto the right side of the building. I could use your help,"

Great, more things to do.

I huffed loudly and made blocks of pillars, jumping and running across the air to get to Tony.

When I saw a gap in the glass, I jumped in and landed daintily on my feet, peering around in utter confusion.

Almost all the HYDRA soldiers were on the ground, muffling out their pain.

"Tony, what the hell?" I asked out loud, sidestepping all of them to duck into an area, I felt he was in. My brother has made his way further into the far corner of the room.

"We have a second enhanced Female. Do not engage." Steve's says breathlessly through the comm.

I scoffed. "A little too late Ice Pick, those twins are going to get a good smacking when I grab a hold of them."

My feet stopped upon an open panel, revealing a dark room. I find myself getting slightly nauseous as a barrel of twisted current flowed back at me.

Where was Tony?

"Guys, I got Strucker." Steve points out.

Good riddance.

"Yeah... I got... something bigger..."

There was a human-size hole on the wall beside me, just a couple of distances away and I walked over to it, peering at the dark corridor.

"Tony, I swear if you go down there, without me..."

My brother was a reckless idiot that needed to be kicked in the ass.

I could sense a current of energy all the way from here and knew it was the sceptre. It was nearby.

Swirling blue green light on my fingers, I light up my palm and attempted to journey towards the obvious-secret-basement.

I almost got a heart attack at the entrance when Tony's suit jump at me, repulsor-hand raised. When I realized it was on Sentry mode, I knocked at the metal in annoyance.

"Tony!" I shout, walking down the corridor warily. There's a set of stairs leading downwards that seemed to go on endlessly. The walls being dimly lit only added to my worries.

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