Chapter 21

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Hi there, how ya'll doing? How's the Book so far? Are you loving it? Is it, exciting enough?

Maybe too exciting?

Good luck on the next few chapters my lovelies.


~~@ @ @~~


"STOP! YOU'RE KILLING US! You're killing us!"

The two people I love the most began to battle harder and furiously at each other. Their punches were brutal.

Their hatred undeniable.


Make it stop...


"Hey, Blues should I go with JOCASTA or FRIDAY?"

I cringed at the first name and pointed at the other blue microchip he held. The table was a mess, he really should clean it up.

"JOCASTA's a mouthful, go with FRIDAY."

Tony hummed appreciatively before downloading the FRIDAY database within the system.

Now that JARVIS, is well... Odd ball, we had to replace the AI.

"Good evening boss," FRIDAY announces, having been uploaded.

"Is the persona Irish?" I asked him, watching as he worked on upgrading the suit.

"Yup," He replied, popping the 'P'

I left him to do his own thing and wandered down the hall towards the balcony where Steve and Bruce stood, gathering by the mouth of the Quinjet.

"Look what we have here," I announced, making my presence known.

Bruce gave me a small smile but Steve remains guarded.

Our relationship was on the rocks and I had no idea if I should consider him my boyfriend or not. Then again there had never actually been a label to whatever we shared.

Either way, that won't stop me from hitting him.

Raising a hand, I flick my fingers, and Steve's head cocked to the side upon the impact of my abilities.

He groaned, holding onto his cheek.

"That's what you get for attacking my brother," I tell him, eyes flashing madly.

Banner looks at us with wide eyes, apparently caught up in the altercation. He steps backwards, hands out.

"Hey Blues, you--"

Tony comes down the ramp and I flick my left hand, also making his head snap painfully to the side.

He mirrors Steve's actions and rubbed at his cheek.

"That's what you get for attacking Steve too."

Both males glower at me from where they stand, but I held my ground.

They were so stubborn that they could never see eye to eye with each other.

It was utterly ridiculous.

Was I the one that had to clean up after their mess every time?

The Super Soldier is the first to give up his pride. He is the one that looks away, one hand to rub at the back of his head.

"Look," Steve sighs, letting his head fall. "We had no idea what Tony and Banner might've created--"

"Because you're a grandfather that doesn't know the difference between a joke and what's sarcasm." Tony shot back.

"Excuse me, was I talking to you?"

"You were talking about me, I'd say I have every right to be involved."

Here we go again.

I let my head fall to my hand and rubbed my temple, feeling a headache brewing nearby.

"Don't worry about it," Banner walks over to me and pats my shoulder, giving me some moral support as the two males before us began to bicker back and forth. "They'll grow up."

"When will you see you need to think before you act?"

"Maybe when you start keeping your hands off my sister."

Bluish green and gold began to surround me, apparently sensing my anger. I cracked my neck to the side, allowing the lights to come forward.

"Take two steps back, Bruce,"

The doctor obeys, cautiously doing as I say.

Without knowing, I know my eyes have turned to their luminous blue and the cackle of my energy alerted everyone to the fact that I was pissed off.


The lights hurl themselves forward, knocking both Steve and Tony onto each other.

From up ahead, most of the team were pressing themselves to the glass behind the balcony and watching our interaction go down.

I swear I see Clint smirking.

Steve and Tony groan from where they lay, both males slowly turning on their backs.

"Now that you two have stopped, bickering," I said sweetly, manifesting an energy blade that lit the darkened balcony.

"Which of you would like to promptly get off your ass and save the world?"

Tony rose first followed by Steve. He furiously rubs down his hair and nods sheepishly while Steve mutters a; "Yes ma'am."

"Great," De-manifesting the blade, I turn on my heel, throwing my hair back. "Now I'm gonna go to my little dark corner, and gain enough energy to rip that platinum bastard to pieces."

I walked into the jet and ignored how their eyes lingered even as I walk away.

That should have gotten their attention, I'm sure they'll start pulling their weight soon.

It doesn't take long for everyone to file into the Quinjet.

We all were either standing or sitting down at our respective places. Considering there were a lot more people than previously we had to get comfortable quickly.

Clint was the one that piloted the Quinjet, Steve being his co-pilot. They flew the jet out of New York and headed to Sokovia where Ultron was waiting for us.

We were a couple of hours away, so in that time, I've sat at the farthest corner--at the darkest area of the jet and shut my eyes, allowing the dark to gain me more energy for the battle that is about to begin.

I hope at the end of this, I don't end up in a hospital again.

But something tells me that was the least of my worries.

It was, do or die.

Rise or fall.

Where do you stand?

Among the people who were rising?

Or the ones who have fallen?

~~@ @ @~~


I'm excited, dammit!

A little sneak peek into the future guys???!!


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