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        | Love is the enchanted dawn of every heart.. |


     Taehyung looked at jungkook and then just sat on the floor. He didn't answer him. Jungkook sat next to him and they were silent for about a minute.

   "Would you figure out a way I can be friends with you and be in a relationship at the same time?" Taehyung asked in a frail voice.

   Jungkook looked at Taehyung and nodded. "I can't lose you.. you are my only friend and I'll do anything to make us both happy" Jungkook said as he reached forward and hugged Taehyung.

   Taehyung put his arms around jungkook's neck and rested his head on his shoulder. "I can't lose you either" he said. Jungkook cracked a smile and patted taehyung's back.

  "I guess we will get busy trying to figure out a way" jungkook scratched his nose and stood up. Taehyung nodded but folded his arms. "Oh.. and you owe me a new bag" taehyung said as he looked down the stairs.

   Jungkook laughed and nodded "You won't need one!" Jungkook complained. Taehyung laughed as he pinched jungkook's nose.


    The next day jungkook was in his magic room. He kept going through books trying to figure out a way. Jimin called jungkook but he didn't answer since he was too busy.

   "Jungkookie won't answer me" Jimin complained to Jin. Jin rolled his eyes and kept focusing on his work.

  Jimin folded his arms "Why are you focusing on work so much! This is the first time I actually see you work" Jimin said.

   Jin chuckled then glared at him "I'm older! Respect me" jin threatened. Jimin quickly sent him a heart so he won't be angry.

  Jimin played with jin's hair "He won't answer me.." he mumbled pouting.

  "Go to his house!" Jin said.

  "I can't! I'm working...kind of" Jimin whined. He kept playing aggressively with jin's hair. Jin held both of Jimin's wrist and turned him around. He kicked him on the butt with his foot sending him out of the office.

  "Go do something! It's normal for your boyfriend to be busy! He is probably working" jin said as he stood up and went near the door.


   He slammed the door and sighed. "Gosh, if my relationship was that easy too" Jin sat on his chair and closed his eyes.

    Jimin dragged himself back to his office and kept calling jungkook. Over and over again. "Hello?" Jungkook answered.

  Jimin's face lit up happy. "Jungkookie! Why aren't you answering me I was so lonely" Jimin pouted.

  Jungkook chuckled and looked at the time "Sorry Jimin, I was busy trying to find a spell" jungkook said.

   Jimin breathed out and tilted his head. "Jungkook.. are you busy tomorrow?" Jimin asked.

  Jungkook quickly replied "Nope, super busy. I have work too" jungkook chuckled.

   Jimin rose a brow "What is your work?" He asked.

  Jungkook bit his lip and answered "I EDIT A KID'S SHOW OKAY! I GET PAYED A LOT FOR IT BUT PEOPLE MAKE FUN OF ME SO I DON'T TELL THEM" Jungkook yelled embarrassed.

  Jimin took the phone far away from his ear because of jungkook's yelling. He chuckled then answered "That is cute! But you are really busy tomorrow? Even at night?" Jimin answered.

  "Yes sorry, after tomorrow is that okay?" Jungkook asked.

  Jimin hummed "Hmm.. yeah. Well see you later bye" Jimin said as he hung up. He was frustrated. It was his birthday tomorrow but he didn't want to tell jungkook because he will prepare something big and expensive. He just wanted to spend time with his lover but since they are both adults it's hard finding time.

    Jungkook actually knew it was his birthday. He was planning a big surprise that Jimin will like. He was so excited about it. His house was filled with balloons that had on them colourful text 'Happy birthday'.

  He even bought a big chocolate cake and on it has a special message that was written in whipped cream. He bought a bouquet of roses that were white.

   Jungkook liked to take things to a different level. He liked being different from others and he loves making people happy. He wants Jimin to be the happiest tomorrow. He even a special gift for him.

    Jungkook planned everything to be perfect. That's what he wante tomorrow to be perfect. He of course knew about his birthday because Jin contacted him. Telling him it's jimins birthday tomorrow. Jin wanted Jimin to be happy and surprised too.

   "Let's just pray these work.." Jungkook mumbled to himself as he looked at some things he got for Jimin. He nervously kept thinking whether they will work on it.


         How are you loves??


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