Chapter 29

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~Dan's POV~
My arm was around Phil, as his was around mine. I looked at the bed side clock. It was 5:24 P.M. I slipped out of his grip not wanting to wake him up. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror and there I saw hickeys all around me. One huge one on my neck, three on my thigh and many around the sides of my body. I laughed knowing that Phil did this but, damn he's hella good at fucking when he wants to.
"Morning!" Phil said looking at me, but when he saw me he began to laugh. "I can't believe I was capable of such a thing!" He said.
"You look in the mirror yourself!" I laughed, motioning him towards the mirror. Phil's smile was wiped clean off of his face. He saw he too had hickeys. Two small ones on his neck, one on each thigh and millions of them on his stomach and waist.
"Damn, Daniel!" He said making me burst into laughter.
"I guess I can get to work too, huh?" I said still laughing.
"Danger men at work!" Phil began to sing making me chime in. We laughed afterwards.
"I love you loser." Phil spoke.
"I love you too."

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