Chapter 36

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~Phil's POV~
"Alright guys, welcome to your new home!" I shout, opening the door.
"Wow!" Elinna says, her eyes widening with excitement.
"What do you think, huh?" Dan asks Brendon, holding his hand.
"You wanna see your and Brendon's room?" I ask Elinna.
I hold Elinna by the hand with Dan behind us holding Brendon. I open the door allowing Elinna, Dan and Brendon to step inside before me. The kid's room is originally Dan's room, but we moved all of Dan's stuff into my room. The room was split in half for both Brendon and Elinna. On Elinna's side of the room she had a twin sized bed that had some purple and pink castle blankets. She had a small white dresser and a shelf that held books and a few pictures. On Brendon's side of the room was a white crib that had a star mobile. He as well had a dresser but, it was a bit smaller and it was blue and a dipper changing table. And right in the middle of the wall towards Elinna's side was a gigantic toy box that was filled with toys.
"Wow!" Elinna exclaimed. "This is amazing!"
"Me and Daddy couldn't wait for you two to arrive, do you know that?" Dan says as he places Brendon in his new crib, watching his first reaction.
"Hey Elinna?" I say. "I have a surprise for you." I say smiling. "Turn around." Elinna covered her eyes with her hands and spun around. I walked to the new closet me and Dan built three weeks ago. "Okay, you can look." I say. Elinna spun around and opened her eyes, she was in awe. I had placed in front of her: A pink dress that had glitter with a little princess pocket, along with rainbow stretch pants that she could wear underneath. "Do you like it?" I asked, lowered down to her height.
"Yes!" She yelled. "Thank You!"
"Aww, no problem." I said, giving her a hug.
"And we got something special for little Brendon here." Dan says, taking Brendon out of the crib and walking to the closet. Dan took out a baby onesie that had a green and yellow truck on it, blue baby pants and a blanket that had birds on it. "What do you think Beebo?" Dan asks.
"Bebo?" I ask in return.
"Yeah, y'know like Brendon Urie's nickname: Beebo."
"Oh, wow Dan." I say laughing. "Hey, let's get ready for bed." I say, leading Elinna, Brendon and Dan into the bathroom.
"Alright, Elinna. Daddy's gonna give you a bath okay?"
"Okay." Elinna says in a unhappy voice.

~Dan's POV~
The kids got out of the bath and we got them ready for bed. Phil went to change Brendon and get him dressed in his sleep onesie. I got Elinna dressed in a blue night gown that had had a polar bear on it.
"Have the brush in your hand?" I ask.
"Yep!" Elinna said, handing the brush back to me. I brushed her silky, brown hair in my hands until there were no more imperfections.
"Okay, guys." Phil said, placing Brendon in his crib. "Its time for bed." Phil and I walked over to Elinna's bed and pulled the covers over her boney body from the lack of eating.
"Love you Elinna, sweet dreams." I say kissing her forehead.
"Goodnight sweetheart." Phil says kissing her cheek. We walked over to Brendon.
"Goodnight, lil Beebo." I say stroking his head.
"Dan!" Phil yells.
"What?" I say. "That's my nickname for him!" I laughed.
"Oh, whatever. Goodnight sweetie." Phil says kissing the tip of his nose.
"We'll be in the next room, okay? If you need anything let us know." Phil says, at the doorframe. "Good night, lovelies." I easily closed the doorframe, making no sound at all. Phil and I slipped into our boxers and threw on a random t-shirt and got into bed.
"I'm so proud of us." I tell Phil, kissing his forehead.
"I am too." Phil says, offering me a toothy smile.
"Now just to raise them well." I speak.
"We'll do great... We're an amazing team."
"Yeah." I say. "I can't wait for one of them to get into their emo phase." I laugh. "Bring on twelve year old Dan."
"Daddy?" Elinna appears at the door.
"Yeah, sweetie?" I say, getting up kneeling in front of her.
"I can't sleep in there. Can I sleep in here tonight?" She pleads.
"Of course!" Phil says, getting up. "Let me go get Brendon." Elinna and I got placed into bed, her on my left side in the middle.
"Now its a party!" Phil says appearing with Brendon. Phil placed Brendon on his chest and laid down with us.
"Goodnight everyone." I say.
"Goodnight." Phil says.
"Goodnight Daddys." Elinna says before snuggling into the nook of my arm. I'm at the right side of the bed, Elinna's in the middle and Phil is on the right side of the bed next to Elinna and has Brendon on his chest. We are family goals right now.
//A/N: I'm super sorry for the last sentence, it's super cringy. Just like me. What do you think so far about the new kids? I'm kinda wishin' I named the boy Peter but whatever. Remember: Stay Strong, Live On, And Power To The Local Dreamer.

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