Chapter 13

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~Dan's POV~

I removed the pencil from my sweaty palms and sat it on the paper. I looked at the ceiling, my eyes filling up with tears. I never imagined actually writing a suicide note. I have disappointed myself. I imagined if I spoke to my five-year-old self I would simply ask "Dan, why are you writing that sad note and saying goodbye?" I wouldn't have an answer. I looked back at the paper spilling a few tears re-reading it.

I threw my black converse and my black jacket, I wouldn't need a heavy coat seeing as I'm about to die. I slid the note under Phil's door and walked to the door. I took a good look at our apartment and sighed. This is no longer Dan and Phil's apartment, its simply Phil and Trinity's apartment. I closed my eyes and thought about all the memories I and Phil had before I knew Trinity. I wish we could turn back time to the good old days. Those were the days worth living for. Now? Whats the point?

I walked out the door and looked up. There was one flight of stairs to get to the exit door on top of the roof. Hesitantly opened the door and slowly walked to the edge of the building. I looked down on London. Only a few cars going by as the snow kept falling for the black hardly lit sky. I stepped onto the ledge and stared some more. I wonder if Phil even read the note... eh, probably not. I looked back at the door. I saw nobody coming through it now was my chance. I turned around beginning to fall when I hear an angels voice.

"Daniel! No!"

//A:N/ Hey! So I know my writing sucks/its short but I'm trying to get better at it but some people like it and some people don't so hey, what am I going to do? Oh, by the way, 'A Smile Can Hide Anything' is almost at 100 READS!!! Thank you to the few people that are still reading this. By the way, I'm sorry I hardly update. I'm never motivated but I try super hard when my fren asks me for an update and I've been kinda procrastinating on reading other better fanfics... So, yeah! I'll try and update soon. Remember: "Stay strong, live on, and power to the local dreamer!"//

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