Chapter 55

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~Dan's POV~

I smiled to see that Phil texted me and said that he'll be on his way home in a few hours. I set my phone down and closed my eyes to get some rest.
"Is Daddy home yet?" Elinna asked me as I held Brendon sat upright on my knee.
"No, not yet sweetie." I turned on Winnie The Pooh for Elinna and she turned out to love it. I dazed out for moments not realizing I had a smile plastered onto my face, as I rocked my knee steadily to keep Brendon content.
*Knock, Knock* The sound alarms me that someone is at the door. I walk quickly, anxious that it might not be Phil at the door. I opened the door slowly to see my beautiful husband: Phil Lester.
"Daddy!" Elinna yells, throwing herself into Phil's thin, pale arms.
"Hi sweetie." Phil says, placing a kiss on the tip of her nose. "Hello little Brendon!" Phil says, tickling his belly. "Hi Dan." Phil speaks, looking up at me.
"Hey lovely." I smile at him, intertwining my lips with his, not caring that the children were watching us. When we let go I looked down at Elinna to see she was smiling at both of us, making me smile at her and smile at Phil.
"I missed you." I tell Phil. "I hate your absence."
"I hate being away for you for a second." Phil says.
"Daddy! Come see this show that Pooh showed me!" Elinna announces, tugging Phil by the hand into the lounge.
"Pooh?" Phil and I question Elinna at the same time.
"Yeah! Pooh!" She says, pointing at me. "Daddy reminds me of Pooh! The way he talks, the way he acts, Pooh!" Phil looks at me and laughs.
"Well, now we know which one of us she's talking to when she says 'daddy.'" Phil tells me, still hysterically laughing. Elinna places Phil on the couch and me on the couch and setting her self in between us. I press the play button on the remote and start to enjoy Winnie The Pooh with the most special people in the world; My family.
//A/N: Salutations frens! I'm sorry that my story has sucked lately but I've had writers block and I'm so ready to write the ending chapters, I have it all planned! But, when I finish this story I dunno if I should continue writing: "Blurryface: Tyler Joseph" or "Five Word Debates." So, lemme know which one you want me to write after this. And today is a very special day *Plays a announcing song on the Trumpet* Today is me and my girl friend's 1 month anniversary!!! Yay!!! We got together June 4, 2017. Alright Remember: Stay Strong, Live On, And Power To The Local Dreamer.//

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