Chapter 17

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~Dan's POV~


I took my attention away from my prescription pills package and spun around to see a face I haven't saw in a whole month.


Phil's face was in shock like he saw a ghost. I opened my arms showing that he could give me a hug. Instead he tackles me onto my bed.

"I missed you so much." Phil cried.

"I missed you to." Tears filled my eyes as I felt his warm body against mine at last.

"Dan? I have good news for you..." Phil began. "I broke up with Trinity and she's never coming back into our lives." I sat up making us face to face.

"A-Are you serious?" I say in a almost whisper. Phil shook his head 'yes.' I began to cry and smile. "Thank you Phil." I said wiping a tear away. "We'll be much better off." We exchanged smiles and stared into each others eyes. I missed his ocean eyes.

"And Dan," Phil said. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you about the photos Trinity took. And how she made fun of you and messed with your mental health." All I could do was shake my head and look at the ground. "I thought she was my soulmate... But it turns out she wasn't. I was too blind to see my actual soulmate was right in front of me for years." I looked up at Phil, did this mean what I thought it meant?

"Daniel Howell" Phil got on one knee and grabbed the ring that was next to my bed that I wanted to give him in the beginning. "Will you marry me?"

"Yes Phil! Hell yes!" I cried into his shoulder. He held me like we were slow dancing. I finally was happy after all of these years. Phil looked at me and pushed us back onto the bed. We were laying next to each other staring into our eyes and thinking when he leaned over and kissed me.
//A:N/ Salutations frens! I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading this far into this fanfic, it means alot. And I have some sad news... So, I don't have wifi at my home so its really frustrating to post new chapters, Watch Dan and Phil and stuff like that so please be patient for a new chapter. Also, SUMMER BREAK HAS BEGAN! YAY!!! I CAN'T SEE MY FRENS FOR 11 WEEKS!!! Alright so I think that's it... Alright remember: Stay Strong, Live on, and Power to the local dreamer I-/ //

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