Chapter 4

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~Dan's POV~ 

I woke up scared to death of what Phil would say about me proposing to him. I kept thinking what I would do if he said no. And to be honest, I don't know what I would do. I got dressed in my black and red plaid flannel. I went to walk out into the hallway but I stopped imidatly to hear: "I don't think I really love him." I stopped and ran to my bed and put my face into my pillows. I felt like my world was ending with those seven words. 

About half a hour passed by before I walked out my room. I walked to the lounge to sit on the couch with Phil. "Hey Dan" Phil said cheerfully as he usually does. "Hey" I said like I was going to start a conversation. I saw Phil was watching his favorite show Buffy And The Vampire Slayer . I watched a bit before I asked the first question. "Hey Phil" I asked. "What?" Phil was still watching his show when I asked this I knew he loved Buffy but come on. "How do you feel about me?" I asked putting my eyes back on the screen. "Well," Phil paused his show and looked me in the eyes. "Why do you ask?" He looked shocked. "Well, I was just wondering... I just wanted to hear your feed back on me that's all." "Oh all right." Phil put his eyes back on the screen and unpaused his show. I let out a deep sigh. He paused the show again. "Are you alright?" He asked looking unconcerned like he did'nt really care. "Oh, me? Yeah." I tried to sound like I am alright. "Are you asking me because you want to see if I want to marry you?" Phil asked holding his breath. "Umm" I did'nt know what to say. "Kind of, yes." Phil stared at the ground looking flustered. "I think you are an amazing person and I'm glad I have you in my life." Phil said. "Oh, well thanks." I smiled and walked to my room. I hopped on my laptop and it hit me... He did'nt say 'I love you.' I felt kind of hurt, but I wonder if he just forgot to say it. After all I did just propose to him last night and maybe he doesn't know if he does yet. But I've lived with him for almost 10 years he knows me better than anyone else. And if he did love me he would say it. 

I walked out back to the lounge where Phil was and I asked him the question I was just thinking. "Is that all?" He looked up at me confused. "Is that all what?" "Is that all you think of me?" I feel like I went too far. "I mean, kind of yes. You're special to me and you're my best friend. I think that's an amazing description for what I think of you." I looked at him my eyes filling with sorrow. "Do you want a 'I love you' or something?" I felt rage go through my body. "Never mind sorry I asked." I stormed off to my room. I felt hurt. I cried again. I didn't know why I felt upset. Maybe it's because I was just expecting a 'I love you' because I proposed to him. "Dan! I'm going to the shops! We need more crisps!" I gave Phil a moment of silence before I responed. "Okay!" When I heard the door close I went to the lounge where Phil was and turned on some Anime.

About 45 minutes into my Anime I heard a vibration. I knew it wasn't my phone, mine was sitting on my leg. I got up and looked around the kitchen and saw Phil's phone. How could he forget his phone? His baby? 

I looked at his lock screen and saw the name 'My one and only' for a messege. I clicked on the notification and the password bar popped up. I entered Phil's password: Buffy is life. I got pulled up to their messeges. I read a few. It looked like Phil had a secret girl friend I didn't know about, or boy friend. I scrolled and scrolled through their messeges. They seemed to be from three months ago. I read a couple messeges. They broke me. She sent a picture of herself (It turned out to be a girl). She had bleach blonde hair and underneath was black layers or hair. Her eyes were as blue as the Atlantic Ocean. She wore pastel pink eye shadow, a thick layer of mascara and eye liner. The messege she sent gave me a heart attack. "Well, just leave Dan and come live with me." I threw the phone on the table right before Phil opened the door. 

"Who is 'My One And Only'" I asked half heart broken half filled with rage. "What are you doing?" Phil asked throwing the bag onto the counter. "Phil! Who is this?" I put the picture of the girl in his face. He went pink in his face. "That's Trinity!" He responded trying to grab the phone. "What did she mean by 'Well just leave Dan and come live with me?! Phil! Do you even know where she lives?" He reached up and grabbed the phone. "Dan! This is my life! And yes I know where she lives! And If I choose to date someone that's up to me!" He scrolled through their messeges. "I just have one question... Why didn't you tell me?" He gave a long sigh and sat down on the chair next to the table. "I was gonna tell you last night, but than you proposed to me. I didn't wan to break your heart and say I'm dating someone." I closed my eyes not wanting to believe this and finally said. "I want to meet her."

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