Chapter 15

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~Phil's POV~
I stood on the frozen street as I watched Dan get placed on the stretcher. I saw his lifeless face, the pale completion on his face was unbearable to see. After the Ambulance drove away with Dan the two people from the car that hit Dan came over to me. They both were women and they looked the total opposite of each other. One had black, straight pixie​ hair with ocean blue eyes. The other had blonde, curly hair that was waist high and hazel eyes. They came up to me holding hands looking sympathetic for what just happened.
"We're awfully sorry sir." The black haired girl said. "We didn't mean to hit him. We were just driving home when he fell from the air and hit the roof of our car." The blonde haired girl looked worried.
"If it will make it any better we'll pay his hospital bills." The blonde girl spoke.
"No, that's unecisary. It wasn't your fault that he fell onto your car." I said smiling.
"No. We insist." The black haired girl spoke. I didn't want to start a argument so I went along with it.
"Alright, thank you so much." They smiled jumping a bit.
"My name's Monica." Said the blonde girl.
"And I'm Katana." The other one spoke.
"I'm Phil." I said. "Thank you so much for paying his hospital fees. It means alot to us."
"No problem! I hope he's okay." Monica said.

I walked into my apartment. Trinity was already there in her normal pajamas. She was tapping her nails on the kitchen counter tile in a worried way.
"Hey" I spoke breaking the silence making her jump.
"Oh, hey."
"What's wrong my love?" I asked putting my arms around her shoulders and neck.
"It's just that..." Trinity began. "Dan was right."
"About what?" I asked sympathetically.
"He was telling the truth about the nude photos... I did take them." I turned her around and put my hands on her shoulders. I couldn't believe that she actually took them. And Dan was telling me the truth. But, I didn't believe him.
"Excuse me?" I asked in disbelief.
"It's true. I did take them. I'm so, so, so sorry Phil. I love you more than anything." She said.
"If you actually loved me you wouldn't have took them in the first place."
"I know. And I'm sorry." Trinity put out her bottom lip in a pouty position. "Yeah, I'm sorry too." I said. "I'm sorry but I'm going to have to leave you." Trinity looked at me in disbelief.
"Are you serious?" She laughed. I shook my head yes. "Phil! Just forget about it for a second! It was a stupid mistake! Everyone makes them!"
"But you made Dan look like a liar!" We were both yelling now.
"Phil, just forget about that suicidal mental faggot for a second and realize that I made a single mistake once!" I wanted to yell and punch her so bad, but didn't because that would be wrong.
"Think about it. You were the one who made fun of him. You were the one who teased him and bullied him. You were the one who made him look like a liar. You were the one who called him names and messed with his mental health. And you were the one who messed up the best relationship that anyone could ask for!" I yelled at her so much I made her cry; And for once I did not care.
"You know what Phil," Trinity wiped her eyes.
"Goodbye. Never try and get me back. Never contact me or anything. Just leave me alone. I hope you have fun with your mental faggot!" Trinity yelled as she slammed the door. I felt bad. I felt bad for forgetting about Dan and thinking he was a liar. I felt bad about making him get to that level of sadness. A I felt bad the most about introducing him to Trinity.

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