Chapter 3

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~Phil's POV~

I read on the clock on my phone it was 1:05 in the afternoon. I couldn't sleep. I was wondering why I kissed Dan and why I told him I was Bisexual. I think it's because I kind of felt bad for him. I think Dan likes me like love's me. After all, he's Bisexual and he curled up on me. Maybe it's because I'm the only one that's ever really cared for him.

I laid in my bed pondering these things when someone opened my door, to see Dan. "Good morning lovely," Dan said leaning on the door frame smiling. "Oh good morning," I said looking up at him. He walked over to me and sat next to me on my bed. "What do you want to do today?" He asked stretching. "I don't know," I said. "Kinda tired." Dan kind of broke out into a frown when I said this. "Are you sure? Are you okay?" He began to ask me. "Yes." I smiled. "Promise?" He said tilting his head. "I promise," I said smiling and laughing a bit. "Okay," Dan patted my knee and left the room.

I got up glad to see he was happy. But, was Dan really just flirting with me?" I felt like I needed a walk (Which was strange because I don't like exercising or going outside). I got on my blue and black flannel and threw on my black jeans, then threw on my galaxy jacket (After all, it's December in London). I walked down the corridor and past Dan. "Hey," He said, he was sat on the couch with his MacBook. "Where are you going?" "I'm going for a walk, it's kind of nice out." He laughed. "Phil you're crazy, it's December and you don't like exercise, but yes it is beautiful out, just like you." I laughed. "Yeah. Well, I'll be back later."

I walked down the steps to go to the door. I walked outside and starting walking to the shops. It was very busy outside I kept walking into people hitting shoulders with them. I kept thinking 'Why is Dan flirting with me? And why would anybody love me?' I walked past a photoshop. It had pictures in the windows of the recent people that got their pictures done. There was a teenage girl with long brown hair and beautiful bright green eyes. She wore a purple dress that was a bit revealing. The man standing next to her seemed a bit older than her. He had bleach blonde hair and brown eyes. And he wore a navy blue suit. I looked at the other pictures but one caught my attention. There was a picture of two men and a little girl. I thought it was nice that they got their pictures taken, but does Dan hope that that happens between him and me? I walked down by the lake where The Tower Bridge was sat down on a bench and just stared at the river with thoughts stuck in my head. Hours passed while I scrolled through my phone. I read the clock it said: 8:20 P.M. I sent Dan a text saying that I'll be back from my walk in ten minutes tops.

I opened the door, everything was quiet. "Dan?" I yelled. I checked the bathroom, he wasn't in there. I walked up the stairs. "Daniel?" I walked down to his room and opened the door. Still no Dan. I went to go open my door when I saw a note on my door that said ¨And if one word could describe love it would be your name.¨ I took the note off my door. I figured Dan put it on my door. I took off the note and opened my door. Dan was kneeling down on his one knee in a proposing position wearing a black suit and a golden ring in his hand smiling. "Dan?" I asked. "What are you doing?" "Well... what does it look like?" Dan asked still smiling. "Philip Michael Lester," Dan began. "I love you more than I could ever love anyone, I trust you more than anyone as well." He paused and smiled some more. "Will you marry me?" I was in shock. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, think about what he would do if I said no. "Oh, Dan" I said, trying to find the right words to say. "I don't know, I'll have to think about it," I said giving him an awkward smile waiting for him to respond. "Alright, take as long as you need." When he walked past me and gave me a long, soft kiss on my cheek. He smiled and left. I took off my jacket and thought what I'm gonna do. I can't just say no. Think about what he'll do, how broken he'll be. I've never faced anything like this. And I have no help to guide me.

~Dan's POV~

I slept amazingly. Almost as amazing as Phil. No one has ever loved me or shown me then love he did yesterday. I felt special. I opened the door to Phils bedroom. He seemed tired. "Good morning" I said greeting him. "Oh, good morning." I thought of something to say "So what do you want to do today?" "I'm kinda tired." "Are you alright?" I've used that excuse before. "Yeah" he said. "Are you sure?" I asked one more time. "Yes." We laughed. "Alright," I said after a minute of silence. I patted his knee and left. I walked to the lounge and got onto my MacBook and pulled up a website. I don't know why but I wanted to seal the deal with me and Phil. I was looking for wedding rings. I was on a website called Remember Me. They had hundreds of rings. While I was scrolling Phil walked past me. I paused. "Where are you off to?" Oh, just taking a walk." Phil said. I thought it was quite odd. "Phil you're crazy, it's December and you don't like exercise, but yes it is beautiful out, just like you." He laughed, this made me happy. As soon as he left I found the perfect ring. It was golden and had four small round diamonds. The coast was 4,265 pounds. Nothing was too expensive for my Phil though. I saw if they had the ring at the nearby shop. They didn't.

I felt anger go through my body. I wanted to propose tonight. Then I remembered, I had a ring that looked exactly like it in my room. I rushed to my room and opened my drawer. There was a velvet blue box and inside was the ring. I smiled. I looked through my closet for something nice. I felt like there was nothing I could propose in until I saw my suit that I wore to a awards show with Phil. I felt like I was ready for tonight. But then I thought 'Is that it? Dan, you're going to propose to the man that you love more than anything.' I saw a piece of paper. I thought of what to write. Then I thought of the most delightful thing. 'And if one word could describe love, it would be your name.' I went and put the piece of paper on Phil's door. I felt like I was ready for tonight.

I sat on my bed thinking and decided to make a new video called Daniel and Depression. Three hours later I finished filming and editing the video and decided to upload it.

The clock read: 8:20 P.M. then all of a sudden I got a text from Phil. It said. "Hey, Dan I'm on my way." I smiled and threw on my suit. And grabbed the ring. I checked my watch and it was 8:30 P.M. I ran into Phil's room and closed the door. I began to sweat and thought 'What if he said no?' "Dan?" I heard Phil yell. I got an anxiety attack. Phil opened the door and looked shocked. "Dan? What are you doing?" He asked. "Phil, I love you more than anything. Will you marry me?" Phil looked shocked. I started to get nervous when he said: "I don't know Dan. I need to think about it." He smiled to see if I was alright. I knew this was just first noticed. I shook my head 'yes' and walked towards the door. But before I left I gave Phil a kiss on the cheek.

I closed the door and went into my room to change. After I got changed I checked my comments on the video I just posted. I could see a lot of people cared about me and shared the same things going on that I am going through. I felt happy. I closed my MacBook and went to go check on Phil. He was asleep. He needed rest, he just went outside and exercise. I walked into my room and went to sleep. I was excited for the morning. But also petrified. What if he said no?

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