P: Battling T: Desperate

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I'm in denial of all this frustration

I clench my teeth when my eyes avert the scene


Somehow, I feel the need

To forget it's all going on 

And my heart it wants to grow strong 

Everything around me 

Seems to be caving in..

And all the thoughts 

Left inside my heart 

All I want to do is set apart

But the tears yearn 

And they try 

But somehow

The people around me 

Seems to be dancing 

In this 'letting go' 

So I sit here 

And wonder

How long will it take me 

Until I open up to the idea 


I don't want you to go 

Father please

You're my world

Even though 

I defied thee

My daddy's here

Your son's standing strong 

Don't leave

Daddy don't leave me 

And for all the emotions that I shouldn't express

I'm telling you that this is for the best

Stop trying to act so brave 

Because I'm not here to watch you take your last bow on the stage 

Father please

You mean so much to everyone 

Please they tend to know me at once 

When they see me 

They know who I am 

Even though I have my personality 

Everyone knows my face 

Everyone knows who I am 

And it hurts 

Don't leave me now

Not when I'm pulled between

Your love and the family 

Of our ties 

Please last through the


You're not the only one that's hurt 

And now that it's getting worse

The family can go trudge in the dirt

So father, 

As your son 

Please don't pretend like you've won 

This battle 

Because we're at war!

There's more 

Than a simple

Hit here and there

Don't push it 

Don't push, yourself till you gone 

Because I need you 

Everything falls back to you 

And everyone around 

Exactly as those years ago 

They'll disappear 

They'll wrap themselves

And they'll cry 

And I'll try 

To not shed a tear

At least, in front of others

But I'm on the breach 

I'm on the brim 

So father

Let me ask you 

How strong is your son 

Because I'd hope

It's enough to win this war...!

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