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That evening when it came time to close, Charlie, Nicole, and Harry all sang along to the radio while they cleaned up the kitchen.

Jackie brought one back there for them after the lunch rush, and they'd been enjoying it ever since.

Music truly did make everything better.

"Payday and music, I think I'm actually happy." Nicole said.

"Me too." Harry smiled, knowing he had tomorrow off now that Charlie was back.

"Who's mopping tonight?" Charlie asked, wiping the stovetop.

Nicole and Harry looked at each other.

"I have to pee." Nicole said, rushing off to the bathroom.

"You're awful." Harry said after her.

"You know I'll make it up to you." She said just before she left.

"I'm so tired." Harry complained as he went and got the mop. "And this thing smells like death and chemicals."

"Calm down Cinderella we're almost done." Charlie said, noticing how slowly Harry mopped, acting like it was the worst thing in the world.

"Don't call me Cinderella." Harry chuckled, lazily mopping the same spot on the floor over and over.

Charlie wiped down the counters next, glancing over and smiling at him.

When he finished everything he was supposed to do, he went over and took the mop from Harry.

"Oh no what are you doing?" Harry asked in a monotone, gladly getting out of his way.

Charlie rolled his eyes, mopping the floor the way it was supposed to be done.

Harry went and got out of his apron and hairnet, happily taking his curls down and shaking them into place.

He looked at the clock, realizing Zayn was probably here by now.

"Hey, I'll see you Wednesday okay? Thanks for finishing up for me." Harry told him.

"Yeah, yeah no problem." Charlie answered quietly, looking back down at the floor the moment Harry looked in his direction.

Harry thought about going to tell Nicole she was in the clear now, but he just wanted to get to Zayn's as soon as possible.

He went through the front of the restaurant and outside, looking around for Zayn's car.

It wasn't here.

Harry immediately began to worry, telling himself to calm down.

It was only ten minutes after eight, there could've been traffic.

Hell, knowing Zayn he could've been napping and woke up late.

"You need a ride?" Nicole asked, pulling up to the curb.

"Oh, no Zayn's coming to pick me up." Harry told her, moving the curls that blew into his eyes.

"Alright. Text me or something okay? When you get home." Nicole said, making eye contact.

"Yes mom." Harry joked, the two smiling at each other before Nicole waved and sped off.

Harry decided to wait outside for a bit, the cold eventually getting to him and sending him back inside.

The place was pretty...unsettling with the dining room lights off.

Harry decided to go back into the kitchen, taking his phone out to call Zayn.

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