Professor Feathers

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"I think I'm still hungover." Niall said as he, Louis, and Harry walked to their classes on Monday morning.

All three of them had the same schedule, Monday, Thursday, and Friday.

They just had different classes.

"You're Irish. I thought you could take a little drinking." Louis said.

"Pretty sure that's racist." Niall said, looking at him.

"Irish isn't a race." Louis said in a mocking tone.

"It might be. You don't know that."

"Harry, is Irish a race?" Louis asked.

Harry was usually the one to settle things between them.

"I plan on majoring in journalism, not stupid arguments. Sorry." Harry said, fixing his bun.

"Whatever. See you guys later. We agreed to meet in the courtyard right? By the fountain?" Niall asked.

"Yeah." Louis responded.

Niall nodded, walking off towards the building where his class was.

"What's your first again?" Louis asked, stretching his neck to see Harry's schedule.

"Introduction to college math." Harry read.

"Oh, good. I have that too." Louis said.

You're not copying off of me, Harry thought, glancing at Louis.

"Hey look, there's Kaylee." Louis chuckled, nodding towards her.

"Did you ever get in contact and apologize for throwing up on her?" Louis asked, unable to remember.

"Must've slipped my mind." Harry mumbled, looking at her.

He couldn't help but feel a bit jealous of her because of how good she looked in the clothes she wore, and the fact that she was female.

"Well you need to apologize, dude. There's no way she'll ever show any interest in you again if you just don't say anything after throwing up on her."

"I know." Harry said quietly, keeping the rest of what he wanted to say to himself.

He usually did.

"Sit with me." Louis said quietly as they entered the room.

Harry gave him a look.

"Well I didn't know if you were planning on sitting with someone else!" Louis defended himself.

Harry smiled a little, shaking his head and sitting next to Louis near the back.

"Hey, look at her." Louis nudged Harry, nodding towards a girl that just walked in.

"She's cute." Harry said, speaking more about her outfit than her.

"Cute? That's not cute. Puppies are cute. That girl is perfect." Louis said, staring.

"Well go talk to her." Harry said.

"No, I couldn't." Louis shook his head, biting his lip.

Harry shrugged, watching a few more girls come in.

Why were they all dressed so nicely?

Why did they look so good so effortlessly?

Harry looked down at what he was wearing, feeling so trapped.

He was wearing such boring, dark colors.

"Could I? Should I go talk to her?" Louis asked quickly.

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