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"This was really nice. This a cute little diner." Harry smiled, he and Zayn enjoying after dinner ice cream.

"I wouldn't mind working somewhere like this. I mean it says help wanted in the window." Harry said, just testing the idea.

But Zayn didn't pay much attention.

"Liam claims the burgers here give him strength. Like Popeye and his spinach." Zayn smiled, stealing a spoonful of Harry's ice cream.

"What the hell?" Harry asked, giving him a look and pulling his dish closer.

"What? Yours came with sprinkles. I wanted to try it." Zayn said innocently.

"It's mine." Harry chuckled.

"Make me pay for it later." Zayn said quietly just before the waitress approached.

"Is everything okay? Is there anything else I can get the two of you?" She asked.

"Just the bill." Zayn said.

"On the house. I um, go to school with you guys. I've seen your artwork, I'm a big fan." She blushed at Zayn.

"Oh really? Thank you." Zayn beamed.

He could never hear that enough.

"Yeah, no problem. You guys enjoy your evening." She said.

"Hey wait, are you still looking for help?" Harry asked.

He'd never had a job before, he couldn't help but be curious.

Once he started making his own money, he could buy more makeup.

Maybe even a dress to wear on the rare days he was home alone.

"Yeah, we need a cook to cover the afternoon shift." The waitress said.

"Want me to bring you an application?"

"Sure." Harry said.

"You're going to cook here?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah, why not? I love to cook, but now I can be paid for it."

"You can also be bossed around and stressed out. This diner is small but it's always busy Harry. Look around." Zayn told him.

"So? I'm a human being who suffers from anxiety. Functioning under pressure is kind of my thing and I don't even have a choice." Harry said.

"I got this." He added, smiling as the waitress handed him an application.

"Thank you." He nodded to her.

"Okay, whatever." Zayn shrugged. "Maybe you can sneak me some freebies."

"Sure." Harry smiled.

"Hey, so you ready to get out of here?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah I guess it is getting a little late." Harry said, checking his phone.

"Not too late." Zayn said cautiously, fearing Harry wanted to end the date.

"No, not too late." Harry smiled fondly at him.

"Cool. Let's go." Zayn smiled, getting up.


"Zayn we're back at your place." Harry said, feeling confused.

"I know, I didn't feel like driving out of town. I'm sorry." Zayn admitted.

"So what are we going to do?" Harry smiled as Zayn parked the car in his usual spot.

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