A Lavender Dress

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When he got home that night Harry quickly called Chris and canceled their plans.

He desperately wanted to be alone.

He couldn't stop thinking about what happened with Zayn, and he knew he wouldn't be able to focus on anyone or anything else.

Chris didn't seem bothered at all, claiming he would catch him on the flip side.

Harry suddenly felt disgusted with himself, realizing Charlie was right.

Chris was an idiot.

"What am I doing?" Harry sighed to himself, rubbing his eyes.

His mind went back to Zayn again, and Harry's heart began to ache.

He got out of bed, going over to his closet.

Harry had been keeping Zayn's hoodie in a giant ziplock bag so the smell would remain in the fabric.

He slowly took it out, bringing it to his nose and breathing in deeply.

The scent brought back so many memories, and Harry could almost feel the butterflies in his stomach again.

He missed that.

He missed everything.

He missed Zayn.

Harry put the hoodie on, wearing nothing else but boxer-briefs as he got back into bed.

He turned his light off, sighing and closing his eyes.

Not three seconds later he heard knocking.

On...his window?

He frowned, turning his light back on and sitting up.

Harry got up and went over to the window, pulling the curtains back to see Zayn standing there.

His heart started pounding, and he quickly lifted the window open.


"I set the letter on fire." Zayn said.

Harry didn't speak, deciding to just wait.

"I'd rather just say it."

"Come in." Harry said, stepping out of the way so Zayn could climb in.

He closed the window and curtains, turning and facing him.

"First, I'm beyond sorry about what I did. I hope you know that. Alex means nothing to me. I'll never talk to her again if that's what you want. I'll give anything up for you." Zayn said.

"Second, I promise I'll show you how much you mean to me if you give me the chance. I need you in my life and...I've realized recently that I literally can't function when you're mad at me. My life has been a mess, and I'm miserable."

Harry nodded a little, wanting to tell Zayn he felt the same way but once again he held his tongue.

Zayn swallowed. "Third, I brought you something." He said, taking off the backpack he was wearing.

He pulled out a rectangular shaped box, handing it to Harry.

"What's this?" Harry asked quietly, looking at Zayn.

"One way to find out." Zayn said softly.

Harry frowned a little, walking over to the bed and setting the box down, lifting the lid off.

He removed the tissue paper next, stopping and covering his mouth when he realized what it was.

A lavender dress.

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