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This is to help your imagination, not that it needs help but this was also sort of fun to make:

This is to help your imagination, not that it needs help but this was also sort of fun to make:

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This is close to what I want Harry's attempt at a 'drag queen' look to look like.


"Harry come on we're going to miss the party!" Louis yelled, pushing his freshly green hair back away from his face.

"I guess you could say I got ready in a flash." Niall smirked, standing there in a Flash costume.

"Brilliant." Louis said flatly, staring at him.

"Niall, do you have your money ready?" Harry called from where he stood in the bathroom, adding some finishing touches and more hair spray.

He knew he would regret teasing his curls, but right now they looked amazing.

Harry couldn't stop smiling, fluttering his fake eyelashes and pressing his lipstick coated lips together.

"Sure." Niall called back skeptically.

Harry went all out last night in preparation, shaving his armpits, stomach, and his face- even though there wasn't much there.

He looked at his reflection once more, fluffing his curls and adjusting the green sequin dress he was wearing.

Harry worked his feet into the heels he bought, remembering how difficult is was to find a size that would fit him.

But, he managed, and they fit great.

Harry could walk in them like a professional, probably because of all the days in the past he spent home alone walking around in his mother's heels.

"Okay." He called, taking a deep breath and strutting out of the bathroom down the hallway.

Louis and Niall looked at him as he entered the room, jaws on the floor in seconds.

"I'll take my money now." Harry smiled, walking up to Niall and holding one hand out, the other on his hip.

"Did you- shave your legs?" Louis frowned.

"I did." Harry said, glancing at him before looking back at Niall.

"Cough it up." He ordered.

"Wait a minute, I'm not done being shocked yet." Niall said, looking over what Harry was wearing.

"Where did you get all of this?"

"The internet mostly. You'd be surprised what you can find. Of course, with the amount of porn you two watch I'm sure you're aware." Harry said.

"Are those fake nails?" Louis asked, staring.

"Yep. They match me, see?" Harry smiled, holding them next to the dress, then next to his eye makeup.

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