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Harry was almost asleep when Zayn decided he was ready to wake up, but Harry didn't mind.

He couldn't wait to talk to him.

Harry moved so he could see Zayn's face, smiling as he opened his large eyes.

"Does your head hurt?" Harry asked softly.

"Kind of." Zayn answered, his voice nice and raspy.

Harry resisted the urge to climb on top of him.

"Want me to go get you something?" Harry offered.

"No, I'm fine. Don't leave." Zayn said, touching his cheek.

"Can we talk?" Harry asked, staring into his eyes.

"Of course." Zayn said, moving his hand to Harry's side.

"I'm sorry for how I acted last night. I was just really drunk and being a brat. You're right I do make a big deal out of nothing, I'm way too over dramatic and I need to...try and control that." Harry said.

"Yeah I..." Zayn trailed off, licking his lips. "I was just being honest with you."

"I know, and I freaked out. That was wrong." Harry said.

"It was wrong for me to say those things I said too. You know I never meant to insult you." Zayn said.

"I know. Like I said, I was being a frustrating brat."

"What'd you do last night after I pitched my fit and left?" He asked, playing with Zayn's hair now.

"Um..." Zayn trailed off.

He was quiet for too long.

"Tell me." Harry insisted gently.

"I went to Waffle House." Zayn said. "I got coffee at first but the waitress talked me into getting food."

"What'd you get?" Harry smiled.

"If I remember it I'll vomit." Zayn said, already feeling slightly nauseous.

"It was too much, that's all I know. She kept talking and I just kept eating, I guess because I was upset."

"What do you mean she kept talking? Was she bothering you?" Harry asked.

"Nah." Zayn said. "She was just....talkative."

Harry nodded a bit, glancing at Zayn's lips.

"She gave me her number." He added, making Harry pause.

"What do you- how?"

"She wrote it on the receipt." Zayn said.

"Did you take it?" Harry asked.

"My receipt? I mean...yeah. I always do." Zayn said.

"What'd you do with it?" Harry asked.

"With what?" Zayn asked, frustrating Harry for a second.

"The receipt with her number on it that you took, Zayn." Harry said, staring at him.

"Oh. Yeah I think it's in my car somewhere. Or maybe in my jeans." Zayn said casually.

"You could've just thrown it away, you know." Harry said.

"Yeah but I was drunk." Zayn sighed, rolling onto his back. "I'm just lucky I made it home without getting stopped or something."

"Or killing someone or yourself." Harry said, giving him a disapproving stare.

"I know, it was dumb but I felt guilty and I  wanted to leave." Zayn said.

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