Not Here

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"Are you positive you don't want me to come in? I could act like I'm getting a sandwich or something." Zayn offered, he and Harry sitting in his car outside of the restaurant before Harry's shift started.

Harry turned and gave him a look.

"What?" Zayn asked innocently.

"We already discussed this, I'm doing it on my own. I'm going to speak up for myself and everything. Let's just treat this like a regular day." Harry insisted.

"But I don't want to just leave you here. I mean what if-"

"If? Nothing is going to happen babe stop worrying." Harry told him.

Zayn reluctantly shut his mouth, eventually nodding.

"I'll see you after work. No fucking around tonight we have to get up in the morning for class." Harry warned with a smile.

"Define fucking around." Zayn said.

"Staying up half the night arguing over something dumb." Harry replied, looking into his eyes.

"I'd rather stay up half the night doing something else." Zayn smiled.

"We shouldn't be staying up half the night anyway." Harry smiled back at him, tapping his nose.

Zayn gave him an unamused stare.

"You'll be thankful in the morning." Harry told him.

Zayn shook his head, raising his eyebrows a bit when a thought occurred to him.

"I'll see Alex tomorrow morning." He thought aloud.

"We're kind of going through the same thing." Zayn said, looking at him.

Harry licked his lips, looking at the radio as he messed with it a bit.

"So...are you planning on saying something to her? Or are you just not looking forward to seeing her?" He asked, keeping his eyes on his hand now.

Zayn watched him before looking out the window in thought.

"I don't really have anything to say to her. I said all I needed to that night. Of course, she was wasted so I'll probably have to say it again."

Harry's eyes found their way to Zayn's.

"You should. You know, to make sure she gets it." Harry said, trying to be casual.

"She's probably going to apologize." Zayn said as he thought more about the situation.

"And?" Harry asked, not meaning to sound so harsh.

"I hate apologies I wish we could just...avoid each other from now on. It's not even worth it for her to apologize I mean I don't...really care anymore. It's old." Zayn shrugged.

"Well you do whatever you feel is best." Harry said, patting Zayn's knee.

Zayn looked at him with a slight smile. "I planned on it, thanks."

"Shut up." Harry smiled, looking at the clock on the dash.

"I should go now." He said, pausing when Zayn took the hand that had been on his knee and held it.

"I wish you wouldn't." Zayn said softly, looking at him with big sad eyes and stroking the top of his hand with his thumb.

"It hurts when you look at me like that, don't." Harry said, chuckling a bit even though he meant what he said.

"I just love you a lot." Zayn said, touching Harry's cheek now.

"I love you too." Harry said quietly, his cheeks turning pink.

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