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Note: The character Kaylee is played by AnneMarie Morin.


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"It's the last weekend before classes start, and I know Lou and Niall will drag me along to some stupid party. I hope I don't do anything too reckless..."
- H


The heavy bass throbbed through every inch of the house, and Harry could feel it in his bones.

He wasn't sure when, why, or how he got up on top of this kitchen table but here he was, dancing like a stripper.

Unintentionally putting on a show thanks to the alcohol he'd been pressured into drinking.

His 'friends' were nowhere to be found, though he wasn't exactly looking for them right now.

"You're so wasted oh my God." A guy nearby laughed, watching Harry.

He swung his curls as much as his hips, his bottom lip pulled between his teeth.

Deep into his own world.

"What straight guy dances like that?"

Harry was having fun, and couldn't care less what anyone thought at the moment.

He pulled his white t-shirt off over his head, tossing it aside and chuckling as he began to stumble.

"Harry!" He heard someone call as he felt the gravity shifting around him.

Off the table he fell.

It felt like it took years for him to fall though, which confused him even more.

He collided with someone, then they both hit the floor.

It felt more like the floor hit them, actually.

Harry couldn't currently feel pain, finding his fall unbelievably amusing.

He rolled onto his back laughing, looking up and seeing Niall.

"Harry get up we have to go." He said, sounding like he was miles away.

"You get up." Harry giggled, running his hands up his bare torso.

He stopped with his hands over his nipples, a serious expression spreading across his face.

"How many people have seen my breasts?" He asked Niall, looking up at him with wide green eyes.

"Get up." Niall grunted, pulling Harry to his feet.

"Lou found the car and he's waiting for us." Niall explained, his entire presence reeking of alcohol.

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