Road Trip

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"They wanted a chicken sandwich with chicken on the side." A waitress named Macy said to Harry as she slid the plate across the counter.

"What?" Harry frowned.

"A chicken sandwich with more chicken on the side." Macy said sharply.

Harry stared at her, still trying to understand why the hell the chicken that was on the sandwich wasn't enough for the customer.

"Just put some chicken on the side! Are you deaf?" She snapped.

"I got it." Charlie said, dropping a few pieces of chicken next to the sandwich.

"Thank you." Macy muttered, taking it and leaving.

"Harry I need you to chop some more onions up." Charlie said.

"You know, they act like they have it so hard." Harry said loudly, his anger coming to the surface now.

"We're the ones that really have it hard. At least we don't have idiots coming at us all the time thinking they can tell us what to do!" Harry continued.

"We do. They're called customers. Is table twelve's order ready yet?" A waiter at the window asked.

"I don't know, and I don't care!" Harry snapped, jerking his apron off and throwing it to the floor before he stormed off.

Charlie watched with a worried expression.

"Hey, what's today's date? The others and I made bets on when he would lose it and quit." The waiter added.

Charlie gave him a look.

"What? I think I won that's why I'm asking."

"Nothing is ready yet. I ring the bell when it's ready, you should know that by now. Go on somewhere." Charlie said coldly.

The waiter left, and Charlie checked all that was cooking before he went after Harry.


"I know, I'm fired right?" Harry snapped.

"No. I was just...I wanted to make sure you're alright." Charlie said. "Well- I know you're not alright but...look I can handle stuff if you want to take a break. Maybe go get some ice cream?" Charlie offered.

"I can't just leave." Harry frowned.

"Well...maybe I could make you a banana split and you can take a breather in the back room?" Charlie offered.

"No, you have so many other things to do. We have so many other things to do." Harry said.

"I know you're stressed. I really was at first too. Maybe after work we could have the ice cream?" Charlie asked.

"Here?" Harry asked, making a face of disgust.

"Well um, no? I mean I know another place we could go." Charlie shrugged.

"Is it hell? Oh wait, that's where we are now." Harry said.

"Come on, we only have a few hours left. We can do this." Charlie said.

"Just blow off some steam cutting those onions. Go in the back and stab some boxes or watermelons. That's what I do." Charlie told him.

Harry finally broke into a smile. "Maybe I will."


"You're such an asshole!"

This was the first thing Harry heard when he woke up the next morning.

Louis and Niall arguing once again.

"I told you I would get you back!" Louis yelled back at him.

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